Politics&emigration konwersacje

 0    15 Datenblatt    aleksandraczarnomska
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the process of leaving a country permanently&going to live in another one
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the act of someone coming to live in a different country to
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the process of ppl/animals travelling to a new place to liv, usually in large numbers
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a person who has escaped from their own country for political/religious or economic reasons or 'cuz of the war
asylum seeker
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someone who leaves their own country, often for political reasons or 'cuz of the war, and who travels to another country hoping that the government'll protect them and allow them to live there
aging society
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an increasing median age in the population of a region
ethnic cleansing
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the elimination of an unwanted ethnic group from a society
multicultural society
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a society in which ppl with different nationalities, languages, religions are living together
homogeneous society
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a population that overwhelmingly shares certain traits or views
ethnic minority
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a group of ppl of a particular race or nationality living in an area/country where most ppl are from a different race or nationality
melting pot
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a place where many different ppl&ideas exist together, often mixing and producing sth new
cultural diversity
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the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society
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the fact of a large number of ppl/ things arriving at the same time
pull factor(s)
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sth that attracts ppl to a place or an activity
push factor(s)
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sth that makes ppl want to leave a place/escape from a part. sit.

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