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confide in someone
I only confide in my boyfriend.
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zwierzyć się komuś
result in something
I hope this won't result in an argument.
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kończyć się czymś
account for something
Long working hours account for decreased efficiency.
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stanowić przyczynę,
count for sth
Being rich doesn't count for much on a desert island.
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przydać się na coś / zdać się na coś
count for nothing
It will count for nothing if we don't get good result.
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wcale się nie liczyć
remind someone of sth
It is a good thing you remind me of the meeting.
You remind me Audrey Hepburn.
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przypomnieć komuś o czymś, przypomnieć komuś coś
associate with sth
Christmas is associated with roast turkey in my mind.
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kojarzyć się z czymś, utożsamiać się z czymś
coincide with something
This year's conference coincided with two other major convenions.
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zabiegać się w czasie
comply with sth
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być zgodnym z czymś, stosować się do czegoś
confuse somebody with somebody
My grandfather is always confusing Madonna with Maradona.
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pomylić kogoś z kimś
be faced with
Tony panics when faced with a crisis.
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być postawionym w obliczu czegoś
plead with someone
I pleaded with John to change his mind.
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błagać kogoś
derive something from something
Many of the words in Polish derive from the German language.
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pochodzić z czegoś
deter somebody from doing something
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zniechęcić kogoś do czegoś
expel somebody from a place
Danny was expelled from school.
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wydalić kogoś z miejsca, wyrzucić
refrain from something
Could you please refrain from smoking in the lecture hall.
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powstrzymywać się przed zrobieniem czegoś
stem from something
The problem stems from the goverment's lack of action.
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wynikać z czegoś
elaborate on something
Could you elaborate on this point?
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powiedzieć coś więcej o czymś, rozwinąć myśl
insure something against sth
It is possible to insure my bike against theft?
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ubezpieczyć coś od czegoś
boast about something
I can't stand the way she is always boasting about her wealthy parents.
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chwalić się czymś
hint at something
When I asked Jean she hinted at the chance of a promotion for me.
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zrobić aluzję do
marvel at sth
I marvelled at Jane's possibility to jump so high.
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podziwiać coś, zachwycać się czymś, dziwić się czemuś
answer to a description
The arrested man did not answer to a description of the wanted man.
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odpowiadać opisowi
it appeals to me
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przemawia do mnie
prefer one thing to another
I prefer just about anything to watching television.
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wolą jedną rzecz od drugiej
resort to something
However poor I was I would not resort to stealing.
Lernen beginnen
uciekać się do czegoś, ratować się

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