Prepositions (przyimki)

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My brother is afraid ____ bats.
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My brother is afraid of bats.
She's really angry ___ her boyfriend ___ last night.
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She's really angry with her boyfriend about last night.
I'm very close ____ my elder sister.
Lernen beginnen
I'm very close to my elder sister.
This exercise isn't very different ____ the last one.
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This exercise isn't very different from the last one.
We're really excited ____ going to Brazil.
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We're really excited about going to Brazil.
Krakow is famous ____ its main square.
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Krakow is famous for its main square.
I'm fed up ___ sitting in this traffic jam.
Lernen beginnen
I'm fed up with sitting in this traffic jam.
I'm very fond ___ my little nephew. He's adorable.
Lernen beginnen
I'm very fond of my little nephew. He's adorable.
I've never been good ___ sport.
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I've never been good at sport.
Eat your vegetables. There're good ___ you.
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Eat your vegetables. There're good for you.
My sister is very interested ___ astrology.
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My sister is very interested in astrology.
She's very keen ___ cycling. She does about 50 km every weekend.
Lernen beginnen
She's very keen on cycling. She does about 50 km every weekend.
I don't like people who aren't kind ____ animals
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I don't like people who aren't kind to animals
She used to be married ___ a pop star.
Lernen beginnen
She used to be married to a pop star.
I'm really pleased ___ my new scooter.
Lernen beginnen
I'm really pleased with my new scooter.
My dad was very proud ___ learning to ski.
Lernen beginnen
My dad was very proud of learning to ski.
Why are you always rude ___ waiters and shop assistants?
Lernen beginnen
Why are you always rude to waiters and shop assistants?
Rachel is worried ___ losing her job.
Lernen beginnen
Rachel is worried about losing her job.
I'm tired ___ walking. Let's stop and have a rest.
Lernen beginnen
I'm tired of walking. Let's stop and have a rest.
He apologized ___ the policeman ___ driving fast.
Lernen beginnen
He apologized to the policeman for driving fast.
I never argue ___ my husband ___ money.
Lernen beginnen
I never argue with my husband about money.
We're arriving ___ Milan on Friday.
Lernen beginnen
We're arriving in Milan on Friday.
We're arriving ___ Malpenesa airport at 3.45
Lernen beginnen
We're arriving at Malpenesa airport at 3.45
Could you ask the waiter ___ the bill?
Lernen beginnen
Could you ask the waiter for the bill?
Do you believe ___ stereotypes?
Lernen beginnen
Do you believe in stereotypes?
Who does this book belong ___?
Lernen beginnen
Who does this book belong to?
I can't choose ___ these two bags
Lernen beginnen
I can't choose between these two bags
We might go out. It depends ___ the weather.
Lernen beginnen
We might go out. It depends on the weather.
I dreamt ___ my childhood last night
Lernen beginnen
I dreamt about my childhood last night
Don't laugh ___ me! I'm doing my best!
Lernen beginnen
Don't laugh at me! I'm doing my best!
I'm really looking ___ the party.
Lernen beginnen
I'm really looking to the party.
If I pay ___ the meal, can you get the drinks?
Lernen beginnen
If I pay for the meal, can you get the drinks?
This music reminds me ___ my childhood.
Lernen beginnen
This music reminds me of my childhood.
I don't spend a lot of money ___ clothes.
Lernen beginnen
I don't spend a lot of money on clothes.
We need to talk ___ Anita ___ her school raport.
Lernen beginnen
We need to talk to Anita about her school raport.

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