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Conosco Karen dal 1994.
Lernen beginnen
I've known Karen since 1994.
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Vive a Londra da 20 anni.
Lernen beginnen
She's lived in London for 20 years.
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Lavoro qui da anni.
Lernen beginnen
I've worked here for years.
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Mi piace il cioccolato da quando ero bambino.
Lernen beginnen
I've liked chocolate since I was a child.
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Ho fame da ore.
Lernen beginnen
I've been hungry for hours.
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Da una settimana ha il raffreddore.
Lernen beginnen
She's had a cold for a week.
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Hanno aspettato per ore. (Questo non enfatizza il periodo di tempo).
Lernen beginnen
They've waited for hours. (This doesn't emphasise the length of time).
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Vivo a Londra da due anni.
Lernen beginnen
I've been living in London for two years.
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Lavora qui dal 2022.
Lernen beginnen
She's been working here since 2022.
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Stiamo aspettando l'autobus da ore.
Lernen beginnen
We've been waiting for the bus for hours.
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Stanno aspettando da otto ore! (Ciò enfatizza la durata del tempo).
Lernen beginnen
They've been waiting for eight hours! (This emphasises the length of time).
(how long with ‘since’, ‘for’)
Ho frequentato molto la palestra ultimamente.
Lernen beginnen
I've been going to the gym a lot recently.
(temporary habbits or situations ‘recently’)
Vivono con sua madre mentre cercano una casa.
Lernen beginnen
They've been living with his mother while they look for a house.
(temporary habbits or situations ‘recently’)
Ho letto molto ultimamente.
Lernen beginnen
I've been reading a lot recently.
(temporary habbits or situations ‘recently’)
Ha corso parecchio ultimamente. (Di solito non lo fa).
Lernen beginnen
She's been running a lot recently. (She doesn't usually do this).
(temporary habbits or situations ‘recently’)
Di solito studio a casa, ma ultimamente ho studiato in biblioteca.
Lernen beginnen
Usually I study at home, but I've been studying in the library recently.
(temporary habbits or situations ‘recently’)
Ho perso le mie chiavi (quindi non posso entrare in casa mia).
Lernen beginnen
I've lost my keys. (so I can't get into my house).
(present result -stative verbs usually)
Si è fatta male alla gamba. (quindi non può giocare a tennis oggi).
Lernen beginnen
She's hurt her leg. (so she can't play tennis today).
(present result -stative verbs usually)
Hanno perso l'autobus. (quindi saranno in ritardo).
Lernen beginnen
They've missed the bus. (so they will be late).
(present result -stative verbs usually)
Ho lavorato molto. (ecco perché sono stanco).
Lernen beginnen
I've been working a lot. (that's why I'm tired).
(present result - actions which have recently stopped)
Sono stanchissimo, ho studiato.
Lernen beginnen
I'm so tired, I've been studying.
(present result - actions which have recently stopped)
Ha piovuto, quindi il marciapiede è bagnato.
Lernen beginnen
It's been raining so the pavement is wet.
(present result - actions which have recently stopped)
Ho letto il libro che mi hai consigliato. (L'ho finito, quindi possiamo parlarne).
Lernen beginnen
I've read the book you recommended. (I've finished it, so we can talk about it).
(focuses on the fact that the action is completed)
Sto leggendo il libro che mi hai consigliato. (Mi sto divertendo, ma non ho finito).
Lernen beginnen
I've been reading the book you recommended. (I'm enjoying it, but I'm not finished).
(focuses on the action itself)
Ho cenato, quindi usciamo.
Lernen beginnen
I've eaten dinner, so let's go out.
(action is finished – the result comes from the action being finished)
Ha fatto tutti i compiti, quindi stasera può rilassarsi.
Lernen beginnen
She's done all her homework, so she can relax this evening.
(action is finished – the result comes from the action being finished)
Ho fatto una torta. Vorresti un po?
Lernen beginnen
I've made a cake. Would you like some?
(action is finished – the result comes from the action being finished)
Ho cenato, quindi ci sono piatti sparsi su tutto il tavolo.
Lernen beginnen
I've been eating dinner, so there are plates all over the table.
(action is finished or not - the result comes from the action itself)
Ho preparato una torta, ecco perché la cucina è così in disordine.
Lernen beginnen
I've been making a cake, that's why the kitchen is such a mess.
(action is finished or not - the result comes from the action itself)
Sta facendo i compiti, quindi è stanca.
Lernen beginnen
She's been doing her homework, so she's tired.
(action is finished or not - the result comes from the action itself)
Abbiamo visto quello spettacolo tre volte.
Lernen beginnen
We've seen that show three time.
(focus on how much or how many)
Ho fatto tre prove questo trimestre.
Lernen beginnen
I've done three tests this term.
(focus on how much or how many)
È tutta la mattina che provo a contattarlo.
Lernen beginnen
I've been trying to contact him all morning.
(focus on how long something has taken)
Sto lavorando a questo progetto ormai da un mese.
Lernen beginnen
I've been working on this project for a month now.
(focus on how long something has taken)
Sono stato a Tokio.
Lernen beginnen
I've been to Tokyo.
(life experience ‘ever’, ‘never’)
Sei mai stato in America?
Lernen beginnen
Have you ever been to America?
(life experience ‘ever’, ‘never’)
Non abbiamo mai visto quel film.
Lernen beginnen
We have never seen that film.
(life experience ‘ever’, ‘never’)
Non l'ho vista questo mese.
Lernen beginnen
I haven't seen her this month.
(unfinished time word ‘this week’, ‘today’, ‘this month’)
Ha bevuto tre tazze di caffè oggi.
Lernen beginnen
She's drunk three cups of coffee today.
(unfinished time word ‘this week’, ‘today’, ‘this month’)
Quest'anno ho cambiato casa già due volte!
Lernen beginnen
I've already moved house twice this year!
(unfinished time word ‘this week’, ‘today’, ‘this month’)
Hai già letto il libro?
Lernen beginnen
Have you read the book yet?
(‘just’, ‘yet’, ‘already’, ‘recently)
Ha già finito il suo lavoro.
Lernen beginnen
She's finished her work already
(‘just’, ‘yet’, ‘already’, ‘recently)
Ha appena finito di pulire la casa.
Lernen beginnen
She’s just finished cleaning the house.
(‘just’, ‘yet’, ‘already’, ‘recently)
La Regina ha tenuto un discorso.
Lernen beginnen
The Queen has given a speech.
(news/recent events -announced for the first time)
Ho appena visto Lucy.
Lernen beginnen
I've just seen Lucy.
(news/recent events -announced for the first time)
Il sindaco ha annunciato un nuovo piano per le ferrovie.
Lernen beginnen
The Mayor has announced a new plan for the railways.
(news/recent events -announced for the first time)
Hai sentito? Tom ha perso il lavoro.
Lernen beginnen
Have you heard? Tom’s lost his job.
(news/recent events -announced for the first time)
Sono stato a Parigi. (nella mia vita, ma ora vivo a Londra)
Lernen beginnen
I’ve been to Paris. (in my life, but now I live in London)
('been’ and ‘gone’)
Julie è andata in Messico (ora è in Messico).
Lernen beginnen
Julie has gone to Mexico (now she's in Mexico).
('been’ and ‘gone’)
Sono andati in Giappone per tre settimane. (ora sono in Giappone).
Lernen beginnen
They've gone to Japan for three weeks. (now they're in Japan).
('been’ and ‘gone’)

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