puffy, praise, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the surface is not flat, sorrowful, he is above himself, to set something free, he set the animal free, cremate, cremation, compliment, rehearse, reckless, painful, hurtful, Usury, gentile, kind

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His eyes were {spuchnięte} from crying all night.
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Puffy {ˈpʌf. i}
The teacher {chwalił} the students for their hard work.
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Praise {preɪz}
The doctor recommended {rezonans magnetyczny} to check for brain damage.
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) {mæɡˌnet.ɪk ˈrez.ən.əns ˈɪm.ɪ. dʒɪŋ}
Be careful, {powierzchnia nie jest płaska} and you might trip.
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The surface is not flat {ðə ˈsɜː. fɪs ɪz nɒt flæt}
She had a {pełen smutku} expression after hearing the bad news.
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Sorrowful {ˈsɒr.əʊ. fʊl}
Ever since his promotion, {zadziera nosa} and treats others poorly.
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He is above himself {hiː ɪz əˈbʌv hɪmˈself}
The activists want to {uwolnić} all captured animals.
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To set something free {tuː set ˈsʌm.θɪŋ friː}
After taking care of it, {uwolnił zwierzę} back into the wild.
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He set the animal free {hiː set ði ˈæn.ɪ. məl friː}
They decided to {skremować} their loved one instead of a traditional burial.
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Cremate {ˈkriː. meɪt}
The family chose {kremację} as part of the funeral arrangements.
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Cremation {krɪˈmeɪ.ʃən}
She blushed when he gave her a {komplement}.
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Compliment {ˈkɒm.plɪ. mənt}
The actors need to {przećwiczyć} their lines before the play.
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Rehearse {rɪˈhɜːs}
His words were {krzywdzące} and made her cry.
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Hurtful {ˈhɜːt. fʊl}
The bank was accused of {lichwy} for charging extremely high interest rates.
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Usury {ˈjuː.ʒər. i}
She is always {życzliwa} to everyone she meets.
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Kind {kaɪnd}
They are planning to {mieć dzieci} soon.
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To have babies {tuː hæv ˈbeɪ. biz}
He tried to {wykorzystać} the situation to his benefit.
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To get advantage of {tuː ɡet ədˈvɑːn. tɪdʒ ɒv}
She is too {łatwowierna} and believes everything people tell her.
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Gullible {ˈɡʌl.ə. bəl}
Her performance was so {urzekająca} that the audience was speechless.
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Captivating {ˈkæp. tɪ. veɪ. tɪŋ}
In ancient times, a {poganin/nie-Żyd} was often seen as an outsider by religious communities.
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Gentile {ˈdʒen. taɪl}

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