Puzzles part 1: 1-17

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Frage English Antworten English
One plus two. It’s a number.
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It’s number three.
It can fly. It is an animal.
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It’s a bird.
It’s a boy or a girl. It’s very little.
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It’s a baby.
It is the colour of the sun.
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It’s yellow.
You can read it. It is in your backpack.
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It’s a book.
It is in your classroom. You sit on it. It isn’t the floor.
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It’s a chair.
It is more than eight and less than ten. It is a number.
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It’s number nine.
She is my mother’s sister.
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She’s my aunt.
They are toys. You can build a castle with them.
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They are blocks.
It’s a game. You need a ball, two goals and two teams for this game.
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It’s football.
It’s me and my parents, my grandparents, my sisters, my brothers, my cousins, my aunts and my uncles.
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It’s my family
It can be long or short. It grows on your head.
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It’s hair.
They’re white and they’re in your mouth.
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They are teeth.
It is an animal. It has got eight eyes, eight legs and only one head.
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It’s a spider.
It is scary. It has got two heads, one big eye and three legs. It isn’t an animal.
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It’s a monster.
We are all wearing them now, but nobody can see them.
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They are underpants.
These are clothes you wear on your hands.
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They are gloves.

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