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What is your favourite sport to watch? Why?
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My favourite sport to watch is volleyball because it is fascinating. In this sport the actions are very interesting and suspenseful
Tell Us about a time your or someone you know got injured while training
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A month ago, my friend broker a leg when he was training. It was a terrible injured and he had to put on a plaster. He felt depressed, because he couldn't do his favourite sport
What dangerous or extreme sports do you know? Would you like to take up an extreme sport? Why?
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Martial arts, wrestling, diving are extreme sports. I would like to take up weightlifting beacuse I like this type of sport. This sport is the best for me because I like strength sports
Do you like films about famous sportspeople? Why?
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I really like watching films about famous sportspeople. I like learning about their stories and how they achieved success
How important do you think it is for Young peopele enter competitions when They are learining a sport? Why?
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It's very important for Young people because they can test their abilities, building motivation and achieve their goal. Young athletes will learn to work under pressure

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