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If families do a two-week quarantine before Thanksgiving, is it safe to be unmasked?
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the times of 2020 are difficult
mamy tutaj lekarza z odpowiedziami na wiele waszych pytań o koronawirusa Lernen beginnen
We've got a DOCTOR here with answers to your many coronavirus questions
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, they're trying to decide if they can spend the holidays together
oni chcą wiedzieć czy mogą zostać z ich członkami rodzin bez masek na twarzy Lernen beginnen
they want to know if they can stay with their family members without masks on their face.
surowy / nieugięty sposób Lernen beginnen
if it's done in sterile 100% rigid fashion, yes, in theory, it would be safe.
nie ma miejsca na jakies troche jak zanieczyszczenie Lernen beginnen
there's no room for any kind of like contamination
być może będziesz musiał po prostu szybko załatwić sprawę Lernen beginnen
You might have to just quickly run an errand
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It's not a real quarantine when you run out to the store, every so often
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Hermetically sealed, that means like you're in a bubble,
mało prawdopodobny, nieprawdopodobny Lernen beginnen
it's very unlikely logistically to happen but in theory yes
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łatwiej powiedzieć niż zrobić Lernen beginnen
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You can be safe outdoors, more than being safe indoors
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go to the store=go to the shop
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