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to have carried or conveyed He brought his lunch to work.
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She has a strong will to succeed. or determination; to intend or be determined to do something
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a thing that is known or proved to be true It is a fact that the Earth revolves around the sun.
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aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake She was conscious of the noise outside.
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the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid The police gathered evidence at the crime scene.
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belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence They studied ancient civilizations.
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regarded or considered in a specified way He was deemed the best player.
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recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type Each flower has a distinct scent.
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the state of being exposed to contact with something or made known Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause sunburn.
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of very great extent or quantity; immense The ocean is vast and deep.
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the activity or technology of using computers Computing has transformed modern life.
The factory's emissions contribute to air pollution. especially gas or radiation Lernen beginnen
the production and discharge of something
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The storm generated a lot of rain.
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a spoken or written account of connected events; a story The book tells a compelling narrative.
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the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex The building's structure is made of steel.
Many strange creatures live in the sea. especially a nonhuman one Lernen beginnen
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susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm Children are vulnerable to diseases.
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suitable or proper in the circumstances Wear appropriate clothing for the weather.
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a formal discussion about a particular topic in which opposing arguments are put forward The candidates engaged in a heated debate.
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a state in the western United States We visited Colorado last summer.
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belonging to or relating to the sky or heaven The celestial bodies are studied by astronomers.
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the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles She is a person of great integrity.
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covering or affecting a large area The library has an extensive collection of books.
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an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress He has a successful career in medicine.
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We found peace amid the chaos.
She considered all the options before choosing. typically before making a decision Lernen beginnen
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the part of the land adjoining or near the sea
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become or make larger or more extensive The company expanded its operations.
His style of painting is very distinctive. and so serving to distinguish it from others Lernen beginnen
characteristic of one person or thing
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an activity of a specified kind Her pursuit of knowledge is admirable.
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in a way that is readily distinguishable from others; clearly I distinctly remember that day.
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occurring once every year The annual conference is in July.
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the end or finish of an event or process The conclusion of the story was surprising.
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the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something The depth of the lake is unknown.
The universe is immense. especially in scale or degree Lernen beginnen
or canal across a river Lernen beginnen
a structure carrying a road ravine
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His actions exemplified courage.
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the scientific method of dating tree rings to the exact year they were formed Dendrochronology helps us understand past climates.
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a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water The drought caused crop failures.
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a proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved His success was a corollary of hard work.
and heated Lernen beginnen
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the mass or size of a large body or object The bulk of the work is done.
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make or become less; diminish Exercise can lessen stress.
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a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure Orion is a famous constellation.
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(especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe There was a subtle change in her expression.
suffering Lernen beginnen
or injury incurred; make up for
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find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search Scientists discover new species every year.
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the fact or condition of being severe The severity of the storm was unexpected.
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describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world The movie depicted an apocalyptic future.
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He paid off his debt.
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the state of expecting or anticipating something Life expectancy has increased.
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the action of deceiving someone He was a victim of deception.
Don't let him deceive you. especially for personal gain Lernen beginnen
deliberately cause (someone) to believe something that is not true
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a large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier or ice sheet and carried out to sea
especially when of a company or organization Lernen beginnen
The company's revenue increased this year. and of a substantial nature
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The group was homogeneous in its beliefs.
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the quality of being outstanding or extremely good She strives for excellence in her work.
depth Lernen beginnen
a measurable extent of a particular kind or height
to which they are genetically identical or group of organisms or cells Lernen beginnen
produced asexually from one ancestor or stock
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Many ancient dwellings have been discovered. or other place of residence
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combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other The colors are complementary.
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the ability to produce a desired or intended result The efficacy of the medicine was proven.
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The thunder began to rumble.
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physical strength in contrast to intelligence He relied on brawn to solve the problem.
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perplexed and confused; very puzzled She looked bewildered by the question.
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roughly assemble or put together something from available parts or elements They cobbled together a shelter.
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secretly listening to a conversation He was caught eavesdropping on the conversation.
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filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement The children were exuberant on the playground.
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no longer produced or used; out of date Typewriters are now obsolete.
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people or groups competing with one another to achieve something The race had many strong contenders.
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The drought exacerbated the food shortage. or negative feeling) worse
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a poor farmer or farmworker of low social status The peasants worked the land.
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magnificent and imposing in appearance The palace was grand and beautiful.
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a person engaged in chemical research or experiments The chemist conducted the experiment.
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a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable "Time is a thief" is a common metaphor.
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a mineral including emerald and aquamarine as gemstones She wore a beryl necklace.
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a bird's feathers collectively The peacock has beautiful plumage.
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feeling nausea; feeling sick to one's stomach The motion of the boat made him feel queasy.
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responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame The investigation determined his culpability.
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the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge The prosecution presented its case.
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relating to or in an early stage of development The project is in its embryonic stage.
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an improvised barrier erected across a street or other thoroughfare to prevent or control movement The protesters built barricades.
The fire razed the village. Lernen beginnen
completely destroy (a building
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a typically nocturnal insect with a stout body and feathery or threadlike antennae Moths were attracted to the light.
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able to exist or occur together without conflict The software is compatible with the operating system.
Creoles have a rich cultural heritage. especially in the Caribbean Lernen beginnen
a person of mixed European and black descent
represented as admirable; idealized Lernen beginnen
manufactured articles of a specified type The vendor displayed his wares. glorified
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acting with or showing care and thought for the future It is prudent to save money for emergencies.
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make or become less bright or distinct The lights dimmed as the storm approached.
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becoming progressively worse The old bridge was deteriorating.
Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. especially to give greater strength or resistance to corrosion Lernen beginnen
a metal made by combining two or more metallic elements
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New technologies continue to emerge.
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a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way They got lost in the corn maze.
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The package weighs five pounds.
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The city has a rich cultural history. and social behavior of a society
He had a healthy appetite. Lernen beginnen
a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need
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tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive A sedentary lifestyle can lead to health problems.
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come near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance or time The train is approaching the station.
to convey a thought or feeling in words or by gestures and conduct Lernen beginnen
have as belonging to one; own She possesses a rare talent. express
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to indicate the truth or existence of (something) by suggestion rather than explicit reference His silence implied consent.
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strongly attracted and interested She was fascinated by the stars.
or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done Lernen beginnen
a statement of an intention to inflict pain
We must conserve water. especially an environmentally or culturally important resource) from harm or destruction Lernen beginnen
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The medicine was a potent painkiller.
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very complicated or detailed The watch had an intricate design.
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causing severe or widespread damage or destruction The hurricane had a devastating impact.
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the process of working together to the same end Teamwork requires cooperation.
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attempted to find (something) They sought shelter from the rain.
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the action or process of establishing or being established The establishment of the new school was celebrated.
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He is a distinguished professor. and commanding great respect
She is compiling data for her report. especially a list or book) by assembling information collected from other sources Lernen beginnen
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in a state of complete confusion and disorder The scene was chaotic after the accident.
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marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail He gave precise instructions.
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to give (someone or something) the authority or means to do something; make possible The software enables users to create videos.
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based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed He followed conventional wisdom.
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sudden and striking; exciting and impressive There was a dramatic change in the weather.
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having or showing complete conviction about something She is certain of her facts.
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Bacteria are single-celled organisms. or single-celled life form
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done or planned with a specific purpose in mind The app was designed for learning.
The lightning struck the tree. Lernen beginnen
to hit forcibly and with a quick
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a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist Passing the test is a prerequisite for the course.
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the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced Ancient civilizations built great monuments.
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a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position Having experience is an advantage.
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a very large quantity of something The garden produced an abundance of vegetables.
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living or occurring at the same time Contemporary art is very diverse.
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gradually destroy or be gradually destroyed The coastline is eroding due to the sea.
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fighting or struggle against They combat crime in the city.
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make great efforts to achieve or obtain something She strives for excellence.
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mix (a substance) with another substance so that they combine together as a mass Blend the ingredients together.
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originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country They visited exotic islands.
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a person with whom one works in a profession or business She consulted with her colleagues.
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use up the supply or resources of Overfishing can deplete fish stocks.
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likely to cause harm or injury The road is dangerous in icy conditions.
especially information) exert Lernen beginnen
apply or bring to bear (a force
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explain the meaning of (information She interpreted the poem in a new way.
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a division of a large organization such as a government The sales department met their quota.
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the fact or state of living or having objective reality The existence of life on other planets is debated.
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unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile) They encountered difficulties along the way.
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operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle
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existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence Love is an abstract concept.
Mathematics and physics are distinct disciplines. typically one studied in higher education Lernen beginnen
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an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness One disadvantage of the plan is its cost.
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Juvenile delinquents need guidance.
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the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring There is a prospect of rain.
She took a peek at the present. typically in a furtive manner Lernen beginnen
or war especially that of exploration Lernen beginnen
a journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose
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originate in or be caused by His success stems from hard work.
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fastened with a bolt; ran away suddenly The door was bolted shut.
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a sum of money placed or kept in a bank account or elsewhere He made a deposit at the bank.
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nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis) The sheer size of the building was impressive.
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fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass The journalist embedded himself with the troops.
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a pad of cotton material or other absorbent material used for medical dressings and for cleaning or applying medication The doctor used swabs to clean the wound.
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the edge or verge of something They stood on the brink of disaster.
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a small remaining quantity of something A remnant of the old wall remained.
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of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high The prices were exorbitant.
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a person or thing that is mysterious The old painting was an enigma. or difficult to understand
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a musical composition or set of compositions by a composer His latest opus was a symphony.
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smile in an irritatingly smug He smirked at her mistake.
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The upwelling of cold water brought nutrients to the surface.
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used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary He used colloquial language.
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a person with whom one works in a profession or business She consulted with her colleague.
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involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring They worked arduously on the project.
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confirm or settle (a bargain or contest)
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the disguising of military personnel The soldiers used camouflage. and installations by painting or covering them with foliage or nets
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the use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute They agreed to arbitration to resolve the conflict.
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the cost required for something; the money spent on something The expense of the trip was high.
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a movable joint on which a door The door swung on its hinge. or lid swings as it opens and closes
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regard as probable; expect or predict They anticipate a good harvest.
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a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part A bystander witnessed the accident.
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completely certain about something She was convinced of his innocence.
respect Lernen beginnen
or admiration or gift that is intended to show gratitude
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a worker skilled in a particular craft The craftsman made beautiful furniture.
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showing a great deal of variety; very different The city has a diverse population.
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grow or cause to grow and become more mature The company plans to develop new products.
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a period of one hundred years The 20th century saw many changes.
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relating to or done by courts of law or judges The judicial system ensures fairness.
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done consciously and intentionally His actions were deliberate.
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the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth The theory of evolution is widely accepted.
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He walked barefoot on the bare floor.
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There was a consensus among the team.
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a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels The dog was his loyal companion.
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a conception of or belief about something She had a notion that something was wrong.
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entirely lacking or free from The room was devoid of furniture.
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make certain that (something) will occur or be the case Please ensure that all doors are locked.
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based on or in accordance with reason or logic His decision was rational.
value Lernen beginnen
or extent of or further improve the quality
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power or influence over others The company established its dominance in the market.
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She was anxious about the test. or unease about something with an uncertain outcome
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a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels His companions were always supportive.
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done by people acting as a group The collective effort was successful.
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preservation or restoration from loss Wildlife conservation is important.
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The panda is an endangered species.
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a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed The constitution protects citizens' rights.
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a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity She published her research in a scientific journal.
unfamiliar caused by something beautiful Lernen beginnen
a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration or inexplicable
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relating to or denoting the central government of the United States Federal laws apply to all states.
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giving (someone or something) the authority or means to do something; making possible Technology is enabling new forms of communication.