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1. Non preoccuparti per le piante. Li annaffierò io stessa.
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1. Don't worry about the plants. I'll water them MYSELF.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. to emphasise that that person did the action, and nobody else.
2. Non vedo l'ora della tua visita. È passato molto tempo dall'ultima volta che ci siamo visti.
Lernen beginnen
2. I'm looking forward to your visit. It's been a long time since we last saw EACH OTHER.
➪ each other or one another when person A does something to person B, and person B does something to person A.
3. Quando torno a casa, mi piace rilassarmi. Mi sdraio sul divano e guardo un po' di TV.
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3. When I get home, I like to relax (-). I lie on the sofa and watch some TV.
➪ don't use myself, yourself, etc. after the verbs concentrate, dress (or get dressed), feel, relax, shave, wash.
4. Caro John, devi perdonarmi per non averti scritto prima.
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4. Dear John, you must forgive ME for not writing earlier.
➪ the object (me) is not the same person as the subject (you).
5. Ti sei divertito alla festa ieri sera?
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5. Did you enjoy YOURSELF at the party last night?
➪ myself, yourself, etc. when the object and the subject are the same person. ➪ verb enjoy requires an object
6. Mia madre e io non ci vediamo molto spesso adesso.
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6. My mother and I don't see EACH OTHER very often now.
➪ each other or one another when person A does something to person B, and person B does something to person A.
7. Dobbiamo imparare ad amare noi stessi prima di poter amare gli altri.
Lernen beginnen
7. We must learn to love OURSELVES before we can love others.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. when the subject and the object are the same person.
8. Parla spesso con se stessa quando è stressata.
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8. She often talks to HERSELF when she is stressed.
➪ reflexive pronouns after prepositions if they refer back to the subject.
9. Ti presenterò Erica. Penso che ti piacerà.
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9. I'll introduce YOU to Erica. I think you'll like her.
➪ the object (you) is not the same person as the subject (I)
10. Durante i mesi successivi, Mat e io abbiamo avuto modo di conoscerci meglio.
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10. During the following months, Mat and I got to know EACH OTHER better.
➪ each other or one another when person A does something to person B, and person B does something to person A.
11. Il cibo è in tavola. Per favore, servi te stesso.
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11. The food is on the table. Please serve YOURSELF.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. when the subject and the object are the same person.
12. La composizione di Susan è brillante. Pensi che l'abbia scritto da sola?
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12. Susan's composition is brilliant. Do you think she wrote it HERSELF/BY HERSELF?
➪ myself, yourself, etc. to emphasise that that person did the action, and nobody else. ➪ by myself, by yourself, etc.- without anybody else’, ‘without anybody’s help’.
13. Mi lavo sempre e mi rado prima di uscire a bere qualcosa.
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13. I always wash (-) and shave (-) before going out for a drink.
➪ don't use myself, yourself, etc. after the verbs concentrate, dress (or get dressed), feel, relax, shave, wash.
14. Devi stare attento a non tagliarti.
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14. You must be careful not to cut YOURSELF.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. when the subject and the object are the same person.
15. Potresti dirmi cosa è successo?
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15. Could you tell ME what happened?
➪ the object (me) is not the same person as the subject (you).
16. Durante una gara continuo a ripetermi che non sono stanco.
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16. During a race, I keep telling MYSELF that I'm not tired.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. when the subject and the object are the same person. ➪ After tell we need an object.
17. Ho organizzato l'intero evento da solo/per conto mio.
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17. I organised the whole event BY MYSELF/ON MY OWN.
➪ by myself, or also on my own, - ‘alone, without anybody else’,
18. Dovreste comportarvi bene quando siete a casa dei vostri nonni.
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18. You should behave YOURSELVES when you are at your grandparent's home.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. when the subject and the object are the same person.
19. Ho riparato il mio orologio da solo.
Lernen beginnen
19. I fixed my watch MYSELF.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. to emphasise that that person did the action, and nobody else. (at the end of the sentence or after the subject)
20. Diversi agenti di polizia sono rimasti feriti quando due auto della polizia si sono scontrate l'una con l'altra.
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20. Several police officers have been injured when two police cars have crashed into EACH OTHER.
➪ each other or one another when person A does something to person B, and person B does something to person A.
21. Non dovrebbe incolpare se stessa per quello che è successo. Non è colpa sua.
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21. She shouldn't blame HERSELF for what happened. It's not her fault.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. when the subject and the object are the same person.
22. Ha dovuto preparare tutto da solo.
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22. He had to prepare everything ON HIS OWN.
➪ on my own, on your own, - ‘alone, without anybody else’, or also to mean ‘without anybody’s help’.
23. Puoi presentarmi al tuo nuovo amico? Mi piacerebbe incontrarlo.
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23. Can you introduce ME to your new friend? I'd like to meet him.
➪ the object (me) is not the same person as the subject (you).
24. Dovresti vergognarti di te stesso. Quello che hai fatto è stato molto sbagliato.
Lernen beginnen
24. You should be ashamed of YOURSELF. What you did was very wrong.
➪ reflexive pronouns after prepositions if they refer back to the subject.
25. Non preoccuparti per noi. Possiamo prenderci cura di noi stessi...
Lernen beginnen
25. Don't worry about us. We can take care of OURSELVES.
➪ reflexive pronouns after prepositions if they refer back to the subject.
26. Per favore, non fargli del male. Non ha fatto nulla di sbagliato.
Lernen beginnen
26. Please, don't hurt HIM. He hasn't done anything wrong.
➪ the object (him) is not the same person as the subject (you).
27. Si farà del male se non presta più attenzione.
Lernen beginnen
27. He's going to hurt HIMSELF if he doesn't pay more attention.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. when the subject and the object are the same person.
28. Il suo nome è Alisha, ma noi la chiamiamo Ali.
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28. Her name's Alisha, but we call HER Ali.
➪ the object (her) is not the same person as the subject (we).
29. Ho insegnato a me stesso a suonare la chitarra semplicemente guardando i video tutorial.
Lernen beginnen
29. I have taught MYSELF to play the guitar just by watching video tutorials.
➪ myself, yourself, etc. when the subject and the object are the same person.
30. Ci vedrete al prossimo evento. Ci saremo.
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30. You will see US at the next event. We will be there.
➪ the object (us) is not the same person as the subject (you).

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