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Project completion report content.
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The extent of project objectives achieving.
Post-project review (PPR) characteristics.
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This examines the project looking for areas that did not go smoothly and for those that did. | the performance of the project team members.
Types of review that should be carried out after the project is completed:
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A post-project review. | A post-implementation review.
This is about the project. | This is about what the project achieved.
Project triple constraint.
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Scope. | Time. | Cost.
IR – Information connectivity
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Show a holistic picture of the combination of interrelated factors, | that enable the company to create value over time.
Observable benefits examples:
3 | Project four benefits
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Improved staff motivation. | Ability to attract more able staff. | Further brand awareness.
Observable benefits characteristics:
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There are often intangible | and difficult to objectively measure. | Value often determined by the view of qualified observers.
Measurable benefits examples:
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Number of rivals leaving the market. | The increase in market share. | Increases in local house prices.
Measurable benefits characteristics:
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Objective measure | but difficult to assess. | and usually the value of the change can only by determined retrospectively.
Quantifiable benefits examples:
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Reduction in environmental emissions. | Reduction in wastage. | Reduction in product returns.
Quantifiable benefits characteristics:
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Can by reliably forecast in advance. | But financial value may be difficult to forecast (is external or variable).
Unlike measurable benefits.
Financial benefits examples
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Extra sales. | Saving from economies of scale.
Can be given an objective financial value - either in terms of a revenue increase or a cost reduction.
Boundaryless organisations types:
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Hollow structure. | Modular structure. | Virtual structure.
Virtual structure:
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Organisation is made up of a collaboration of other organisational parts. | To respond to exceptional, often temporary market opportunities.
Modular structure:
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Outsource parts from different providers and assemble into a product.
Minimizing the specialization and specialists needed. Minimizing overhead.
Hollow structure:
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All non-core operations are outsourced leaving the company to concentrate on its core competence eg design of new products.
Like accounting, human resources, legal services and manufacturing could be outsourced.

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