Semestr II Voc.

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an investor who expects stock prices to fall
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an investor who expects stock prices to raise
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an organization raising money by offering for sale stocks
investment bank
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ank that advises companies and raises money for them and trades financial products
go public
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to offer a company stock for a sale on stock exchange for the first time
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assets that secure or guarantee a loan
institutional investors
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a financial institution such as an insurance company, pension fund, etc. that buy securities
day trader
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person who buys and resells stock in a short period of time
earnings per share (EPS)
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company’s total earnings for the year divided by number of ordinary shares or common stocks
treasury shares
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British term for shares that have been repurchased by a company
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one of the part owners of a company, who has bought some of its shares
small cap
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popular name of stock with small capitalization
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a person or organization that takes on high risks for high rewards
settlement day
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the day on which stocks purchased on an exchange have to be paid
stock index
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a statistical indicator showing changes in the market value of selected group of important stocks on a particular stock market
market maker
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a trader in securities who quotes a bid (buying) and offer (selling) prices
due diligence
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a detailed examination of company and its financial situation
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the willingness and ability to offer goods and services for sale
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the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services; to ask for something forcefully
stock market
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the market in which stocks and shares are issued and traded
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the stock of a business, held by stockholders who own the company
private company
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a privately founded company that has not issued equity to the public
public company
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a listed or quoted company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange
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US term for a public limited company
blue chip company
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large stable company with a good reputation
balance sheet
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a statement showing a company’s financial position on a particular date reporting assets and owners’ equity
ordinary shares
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British term for normal equities representing part ownership of a company
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describes a security issue for which there are more would-be buyers than securities available
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the degree to which a price is likely to change in a short period of time
voting shares
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shares that give their holders the right to vote at a company’s annual general
annual general meeting
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British term for a yearly meeting with the directors to which companies have to invite all shareholders
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a share in the annual profits od a limited company, paid to stockholders and shareholders

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