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przez cały, poprzez, na wskroś, wszędzie W całym kraju wszyscy byli szczęśliwi. Lernen beginnen
in or into every part of something Throughout the land everone was happy.
zwracać się o coś, prosić o coś Zwrócili się o pomoc do wróżki chrzestnej. Lernen beginnen
to ask somebody for something; to try to obtain or achieve something They sought the help of a fairy godmatther.
To on zaryzykował niebezpieczną podróż. Lernen beginnen
very dangerous It was he who would chance the perilous journey.
To on zaryzykował niebezpieczną podróż przez przeszywające zimno i palącą pustynię. Lernen beginnen
very critical It was he who would chance the perilous journey through blistering cold and scorching desert.
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very hot It was he who would chance the perilous journey through blistering cold and scorching desert.
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to risk being killed or injured in order to do something
Aby dostać się do komnaty księżniczki. Lernen beginnen
(old use) a bedroom or private room To enter the princess's chamber.
Przemierzył pokój do jej śpiącej sylwetki. Lernen beginnen
the dark outline or shape of a person or an object that you see against a light background Cross the room to her sleeping silhouette.
Odsłonił cienke zasłony, żeby znaleźć ją... Lernen beginnen
any very light fine material Pull back the gossamer curtains to find her...
Ten Shrek to łobuzerski diabeł. Lernen beginnen
showing a lack of respect for other people and enjoying playing tricks on them That shrek is a rascally devil.
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(in legal documents, etc.) as a result of this statement, and in a way that makes something legal You are hereby summoned to the kingdom of far, far away.
Król udzieli swego królewskiego błogosławieństwa Tobie i księciu. Lernen beginnen
The king will bestow his royal blessing upon you and prince.
Nie siedźmy tu z burczącymi brzuchami. Lernen beginnen
the stomach or the area around the stomach Let's not sit here with our tummies rumbling.
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a long deep sound or series of sounds Let's not sit here with our tummies rumbling.
Weź miecz i wykastruj go. Lernen beginnen
a weapon with a long metal blade (= sharp cutting part) and a handle Take the sword and neuter him.
Weź miecz i wykastruj go. Lernen beginnen
Take the sword and neuter him.
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to ask somebody to do something in an anxious way because you want or need it very much
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misjudge somebody/something | misjudge how, what, etc... to form a wrong opinion about a person or situation, especially in a way that makes you deal with them or it unfairly
Osły są czczone jako najmądrzejsze ze stworzeń. Lernen beginnen
revere somebody (as something) to admire and respect somebody/something very much Donkeys are revered as the wisest of creatures.
mądry, światły, roztropny Osły są czczone jako najmądrzejsze ze stworzeń. Lernen beginnen
able to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have Donkeys are revered as the wisest of creatures.
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rend something to tear something apart with force or violence I shall rend his head from his shoulders!
Uderzę go tam, gdzie stoi! Lernen beginnen
smite somebody/something to hit somebody/something hard; to attack or punish somebody I will smite him where he stands!
Będzie żałował tego dnia, w którym ukradł mi moje królestwo! Lernen beginnen
rue something to feel bad about something that happened or something that you did because it had bad results (SYNONYM regret) He will rue the very day he stole my kingdom from me!
Moje ośle zmysły mrowią mnie na całym ciele. Lernen beginnen
tingle with something to feel an emotion strongly My donkey sense are tingling all over.
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a thing that has no use, especially because it does not work correctly
Ojciec wynajął obskurnego zabójcę, żeby cię zabił. Lernen beginnen
whack somebody/something (+ adv./prep.) (informal) to hit somebody/something very hard/whack somebody (North American English, slang) to murder somebody Father hired a sleazy hitman to whack you.
Ojciec wynajął obskurnego zabójcę, żeby cię zabił. Lernen beginnen
(of people) immoral or unpleasant Father hired a sleazy hitman to whack you.
Tutaj, przyniosłem wiadro wody. Lernen beginnen
to go to where somebody/something is and bring them/it back Here, I fetched a pail of water.
Tutaj, przyniosłem wiadro wody. Lernen beginnen
an open container with a handle, used for carrying or holding liquids, sand, etc. Here, I fetched a pail of water.
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(of a horse or its rider) to move forward at a speed that is faster than a walk and slower than a canter
Zdejmij pudrowaną perukę i gacie. Lernen beginnen
a piece of artificial hair that is worn on the head, for example to hide the fact that a person is bald, to cover somebody’s own hair, or by a judge and some other lawyers in some courts of law Take off the powdered wig and step away from your drawers.
Zdejmij pudrowaną perukę i odsuń się od swoich gaci. Lernen beginnen
(old-fashioned) knickers or underpants, especially ones that cover the upper parts of the legs Take off the powdered wig and step away from your drawers.
Ma twarz, która wygląda, jakby została wyrzeźbiona przez anioły. Lernen beginnen
to make objects, patterns, etc. by cutting away material from a piece of wood or stone, or another hard material He has a face that looks like it was carved by angels.
Lepiej, żebyś miał dobry powód, żeby nas tu ciągnąć. Lernen beginnen
drag somebody/yourself + adv./prep. to persuade somebody to come or go somewhere they do not really want to come or go to You'd better have a good reason for dragging us down here.
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to make somebody feel bored, especially by talking too much