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2 a large number of different things a kaleidoscope of images/colours/skills ▶ kalejdoskop
kaleidoscope /kəˈlaɪdəskəʊp; US / noun [countable] 1 a toy that consists of a tube containing mirrors and small pieces of coloured glass. When you look into one end of the tube and turn it, you see changing patterns of colours. ▶ kalejdoskop
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kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈru:; US / noun [countable] (pl. kangaroos) an Australian animal that moves by jumping on its strong back legs and that carries its young in a pouch on its stomach ▶ kangur
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karaoke /ˌkæriˈəʊki; US / noun [uncountable] a type of entertainment in which a machine plays only the music of popular songs so that people can sing the words themselves a karaoke night/machine/bar ▶ karaoke
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karate /kəˈrɑ: ti; US / noun [uncountable] a style of fighting originally from Japan in which the hands and feet are used as weapons ▶ karate
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kayak /ˈkaɪæk; US / noun [countable] a light narrow boat for one person, that you move using a paddle ▶ kajak
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keel1 /ki: l; US / noun [countable] a long piece of wood or metal on the bottom of a boat that stops it falling over sideways in the water ▶ stępka kil
zapalony, chętny
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keen, willing
I wasn’t too keen on going camping. Nie miałem zbytniej ochoty na wyjazd pod namiot. She was keen that we should all be there. Bardzo chciała, żebyśmy tam wszyscy byli. ▶ zapalony (do czegoś) chętny
keen /ki: n; US / adj. 1 keen (to do sth/on doing sth/that...) very interested in sth; wanting to do sth They are both keen gardeners. I failed the first time but I’m keen to try again (chcę spróbować ponownie).
bardzo zainteresowany czymś
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keen on sb/sth
I’m not very keen on the idea (nie za bardzo palę się do pomysłu) of going camping. ▶ bardzo zainteresowany kimś/czymś będący miłośnikiem czegoś
keen on sb/sth very interested in or having a strong desire for sb/sth He’s very keen on jazz. Bardzo lubi jazz. Tracey seems very keen on a boy (chyba kocha się w chłopaku) at college.
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□ keenly /; US / adv. ▶ dotkliwie przenikliwie bystro —keenness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ zapał gorliwość entuzjazm
trzymać, pozostawać
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I still keep in touch with (utrzymuję kontakt z) my old school friends. Remember to keep left (trzymać się lewej strony jezdni) when you’re driving in Britain. ▶ trzymać się pozostawać
keep1 /ki: p/ verb (past tense, past participle kept /kept; US /) 1[i] to continue to be in a particular state or position You must keep warm. Musisz dbać, żeby ci było ciepło. That child can’t keep still (nie może usiedzieć w jednym miejscu).
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It’s hard to keep the children amused (trudno nieustannie zabawiać dzieci) when they can’t go outside. ▶ trzymać
2[transitive] to make sb/sth stay in a particular state, place or condition Please keep this door closed. He kept his hands in his pockets. I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Przepraszam, że kazałem ci czekać.
wciąż coś robić
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keep doing sth
Keep going until you get to the church (idź dalej, aż dojdziesz do kościoła) and then turn left. She keeps asking me silly questions. ▶ wciąż/ciągle coś robić
3[transitive] keep doing sth to continue doing sth or to repeat an action many times I wish you wouldn’t keep leaving the door open!
zatrzymywać, opóźniać
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Can I keep the car until next week? I gave the taxi driver a £ 10 note and told him to keep the change (żeby zachował resztę). Can you keep my seat for me till I get back? ▶ zatrzymywać mieć
4[transitive] to delay sb/sth; to prevent sb from leaving Where’s the doctor? What’s keeping him? ▶ zatrzymywać opóźniać 5[transitive] to continue to have sth; to save sth for sb You can keep that book – I don’t need it any more.
przechowywać, trzymać
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7[transitive] to have and look after animals They keep ducks on their farm. ▶ hodować trzymać 8[intransitive] to stay fresh Drink up all the milk – it won’t keep in this weather. ▶ (żywność) dobrze przechowywać się zachowywać świeżość
6[transitive] to have sth in a particular place Where do you keep the matches? Keep your passport in a safe place. ▶ przechowywać trzymać
zachowywać, dotrzymywać
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to keep, to keep
10[t] to write down sth that you want to remember Keep a record of how much you spend. to keep a diary ▶ prowadzić (np. zapiski) 11[t] to support sb with your money You can’t keep a family on the money I earn. ▶ utrzymywać kogoś
9[transitive] to do what you promised or arranged Can you keep a promise? to keep a secret She didn’t keep her appointment (nie przyszła na wizytę) at the dentist’s. ▶ dotrzymywać zachowywać
nie przestawać czegoś robić
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keep at it/sth
keep at it/sth to continue to work on/at sth Keep at it – we should be finished soon. ▶ pracować nadal/wytrwale nad czymś nie przestawać (czegoś robić)
trzymać się z daleka
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keep away from sb/sth
keep away from sb/sth to not go near sb/sth Keep away from the town centre this weekend. ▶ trzymać się z dala od kogoś/czegoś omijać kogoś/coś z daleka
dozorca, opiekun
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keeper /ˈki: pə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a person who guards or looks after sth a zookeeper ▶ dozor-ca/czyni opiekun/ka stróż/ka
baryłka, antałek
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keg /keɡ; US / noun [countable] a round metal or wooden container, used especially for storing beer ▶ baryłka antałek
psia buda
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kennel /ˈkenl; US / noun [countable] a small house for a dog ▶ psia buda
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kerb (especially US curb) /kɜ: b; US / noun [countable] the edge of the raised path at the side of a road, usually made of long pieces of stone They stood on the kerb waiting to cross the road. ▶ krawężnik
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kernel /ˈkɜ: nl; US / noun [countable] 1 the inner part of a nut or seed ▶ jądro pestka 2 the most important part of an idea or a subject There may be a kernel of truth (ziarno prawdy) in what she said. ▶ sedno istota
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a kettle
kettle /ˈketl; US / noun [countable] a container with a lid, used for boiling water an electric kettle ▶ czajnik
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2[usually sing.] the key (to sth) something that helps you achieve or understand sth A good education is the key to success. This letter holds the key to the mystery. ▶ klucz
key1 /ki:; US / noun [countable] 1 a metal object that is used for locking a door, starting a car, etc. Have you seen my car keys (kluczyki do samochodu) anywhere? We need a spare key to the front door. a bunch of keys pęk kluczy ▶ klucz
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a key
5 a set of answers to exercises or problems The key to the crossword will appear in next week’s issue. an answer key ▶ klucz (do ćwiczeń) odpowiedzi
3 one of the parts of a piano, computer, etc. that you press with your fingers to make it work Press the return key to enter the information. ▶ klawisz
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key3 /ki:; US / adj. [only before a noun] very important Tourism is a key industry in Spain. ▶ kluczowy
syntezator, keyboard
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synthesizer, keyboard
keyboard1 /ˈki: bɔ: d; US / noun [countable] 1 the set of keys on a piano, computer, etc. ▶ klawiatura 2 an electrical musical instrument like a small piano ▶ syntetyzator keyboard
dziurka od klucza
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keyhole /ˈki: həʊl; US / noun [countable] the hole in a lock where you put the key ▶ dziurka od klucza
breloczek, kółko na klucze
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key ring, key ring
ˈkey ring noun [countable] a ring on which you keep keys ▶ kółko na klucze breloczek
słowa kluczowe
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2 a word or phrase that is used to give an instruction to a computer ▶ (komput.) polecenie słowo kluczowe
keyword /ˈki: wɜ: d; US / noun [countable] 1 a word that tells you about the main idea or subject of sth When you’re studying a language, the keyword is patience. ▶ słowo kluczowe
kolor khaki
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khaki color
khaki /ˈkɑ: ki; US / adj., noun [uncountable] (of) a pale brownish-yellow or brownish-green colour The khaki uniforms of the desert soldiers. ▶ kolor khaki (koloru) khaki
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2[intransitive, transitive] to move your foot or feet You must kick harder (pracować nogami z całych sił) if you want to swim faster. The dancers were kicking their legs high in the air. ▶ wierzgać machać nogami
kick1 /kɪk; US / verb 1[transitive] to hit or move sb/sth with your foot He kicked the ball wide of the net. The police kicked the door down. ▶ kopać
zrywać z nałogiem
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kick the habit
kick yourself to be annoyed with yourself because you have done sth stupid, missed an opportunity, etc. ▶ być złym na siebie
kick the habit to stop doing sth harmful that you have done for a long time I’ve been a smoker for years, but now I’m trying to kick the habit. ▶ zrywać z nałogiem rzucać (nałóg)
kopnięcie, kopniak
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kick, kick
kick2 /kɪk; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 an act of kicking She gave the door a kick (kopnęła drzwi) and it closed. The referee gave a free kick (rzut wolny) for a foul on the goalkeeper. ▶ kopnięcie kopniak
dziecko, dzieciak
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2(kid brother/sister) [countable] (especially US, informal) younger brother/sister ▶ młodsz-y/a brat/siostra 3 [countable, uncountable] a young goat or its skin a kid jacket ▶ koźlę
kid1 /kɪd; US / noun 1 [countable] (informal) a child or young person How are your kids? ▶ dziecko dzieciak
porywać, uprowadzać dla okupu
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kidnap /ˈkɪdnæp; US / verb [transitive] (kidnapping; kidnapped) to take sb away by force and demand money for their safe return The child was kidnapped and £ 50 000 ransom was demanded for her release. ▶ porywać uprowadzać (dla okupu)
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□ kidnapper /; US / noun [countable] The kidnappers demanded £ 50 000. ▶ porywacz/ka —kidnapping /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] The kidnapping took place just outside his home. ▶ porwanie uprowadzenie (dla okupu) ⇨ note at crime
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2 [uncountable, countable] the kidneys of an animal when they are cooked and eaten as food steak and kidney pie ▶ cynaderk-a/i cynadr-a/y
kidney /ˈkɪdni; US / noun 1 [countable] one of the two parts of your body that separate waste liquid from your blood ▶ nerka
fasolka czerwona
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red beans
ˈkidney bean noun [countable] a type of reddish-brown bean shaped like akidney that is usually dried before it is sold and then left in water before cooking ▶ fasola czerwona typu kidney
uśmiercać, zabijać
Slaughter i massacre oznaczają zabicie wielu ludzi: Hundreds of people were massacred when the army opened fire. Slaughter oznacza też bicie zwierząt rzeźnych.
Murder oznacza umyślne zabicie kogoś: This was no accident. The old lady was murdered. Assassinate oznacza zabicie kogoś z powodów politycznych: President Kennedy was assassinated.
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to kill, to kill
2[t] (informal) to be very angry with sb My mum will kill me when she sees this mess. ▶ zabijać 3[t] The minister’s opposition killed the idea stone dead. Jake’s tactless comment killed (ucięła) the conversation. ▶ obalać niweczyć
kill1 /kɪl; US / verb ⇨ NOTE ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[intransitive, transitive] to make sb/sth die Smoking kills. She was killed instantly in the crash. ▶ zabijać uśmiercać
osiągnąć podwójny cel
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kill two birds with one stone
kill two birds with one stone to do one thing which will achieve two results ▶ upiec dwie pieczenie przy jednym ogniu osiągać podwójny cel
polowanie, zabicie
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kill2 /kɪl / noun [sing.] 1 the act of killing Lions often make a kill (polują) in the evening. ▶ polowanie zabicie 2 an animal or animals that have been killed The eagle took the kill back (orzeł zabrał zdobycz) to its young. ▶ upolowana zwierzyna
zabójca, morderca
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killer, murderer
killer /ˈkɪlə(r); US / noun [countable] a person, animal or thing that kills He’s a dangerous killer who may strike again. a killer disease śmiertelna choroba ▶ zabój-ca/czyni morder-ca/czyni
zabójstwo, morderstwo
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killing /ˈkɪlɪŋ; US / noun [countable] act of killing a person on purpose; a murder There have been a number of brutal killings in the area recently. ▶ zabójstwo morderstwo mord
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kilometre (US kilometer) /ˈkɪləmi: tə(r); kɪˈlɒmɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] (abbr. k, km) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a measure of length; 1 000 metres ▶ kilometr
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kilowatt /ˈkɪləwɒt; US / noun [countable] (abbr. kW; kw) a measure of electric power; 1 000 watts ▶ kilowat
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kilt /kɪlt; US / noun [countable] a skirt that is worn by men as part of the national dress of Scotland ▶ część tradycyjnego męskiego stroju w Szkocji
Po kinds of może następować rzeczownik w lp lub lm: There are so many kinds of camera/cameras on the market that it’s hard to know which is best.
Rzeczownik kind jest policzalny i dlatego zdanie I like all kind of music. jest niepoprawne. Poprawna forma to: I like all kinds of music.
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Many kinds of plant and animal are being lost every year. In the evenings I listen to music, write letters, that kind of thing. ▶ rodzaj
kind1 /kaɪnd; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a group whose members all have the same qualities The concert attracted people of all kinds. The concert attracted all kinds of people. What kind of car have you got?
uprzejmy, życzliwy
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It was kind of you to offer, but I don’t need any help. A present! How kind of you. to be kind to children and animals Would you be kind enough to give Sue a lift to the station? ▶ uprzejmy życzliwy
kind2 /kaɪnd; US / adj. kind (to sb); kind (of sb) (to do sth) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW caring about others; friendly and generous Everyone’s been so kind to us since we came here!
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kindergarten /ˈkɪndəɡɑ: tn; US / noun [countable] a school for children aged from about 2 to 5 ▶ przedszkole
dobry, dobrotliwy
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ˌkind-ˈhearted adj. kind and generous ▶ dobry dobrotliwy
rozpalać, rozbudzać
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kindle, awake
2 to make sth such as an interest, emotion, etc. start to grow in sb; to start to be felt by sb It was her teacher who kindled her interest in music. Suspicion kindled within her. ▶ rozbudzać
kindle /ˈkɪndl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] 1 to start burning; to make a fire start burning We watched as the fire slowly kindled. to kindle a fire/flame ▶ rozpalać (ogień)
uprzejmie, życzliwie
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kindly adj. [only before a noun] kind and friendly a kindly face kindly advice ▶ dobrotliwy dobry życzliwy
kindly /ˈkaɪndli; US / adv. 1 in a kind way The nurse smiled kindly. ▶ uprzejmie życzliwie
życzliwość, uprzejmość
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kindness, kindness
kindness /ˈkaɪndnəs; US / noun [countable, uncountable] 1[uncountable] the quality of being kind Thank you very much for all your kindness. ▶ życzliwość uprzejmość 2[countable] a kind act ▶ przysługa wyświadczona uprzejmość
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a king
King Edward VII (mówi się: (King) Edward the Seventh) (figurative) The lion is the king of the jungle. ▶ król
king /kɪŋ; US / noun [ce] 1 (the title of) a man who rules a country. A king is usually the son or close relative of the former ruler The new king was crowned yesterday in Westminster Abbey.
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a king
2 the most important piece used in the game of chess, that can move one square in any direction ▶ król 3 one of the four playing cards in a pack with a picture of a king the king of spades ▶ król ⇨ note at card
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a kingdom
kingdom /ˈkɪŋdəm; US / noun [countable] 1 a country that is ruled by a king or queen the United Kingdom ▶ królestwo 2 one of the parts of the natural world the animal kingdom ▶ królestwo
olbrzymi, bardzo duży
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ˈking-size (also ˈking-sized) adj. bigger than usual a king-size bed ▶ olbrzymi bardzo duży
skręt, zagięcie
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kink /kɪŋk; US / noun [countable] a turn or bend in sth that should be straight There’s a kink in the hosepipe so the water won’t come out. ▶ skręt zagięcie skrzywienie
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kinky /ˈkɪŋki; US / adj. (informal) (used to describe sexual behaviour that most people would consider strange or unusual) ▶ perwersyjny Zwykle wyraża dezaprobatę.
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kiosk /ˈki:ɒsk; US / noun [countable] a very small building in the street where newspapers, sweets, cigarettes, etc. are sold ▶ kiosk
całować, pocałunek
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kiss, kiss
He kissed her on the cheek. They kissed each other goodbye. ▶ całować (się) □ kiss noun [countable] Give Daddy a goodnight kiss. Pocałuj tatę na dobranoc. a kiss on the lips/cheek ▶ pocałunek całus
kiss /kɪs; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW to touch sb with your lips to show love or friendship, or when saying hello or goodbye They sat in the back row of the cinema, kissing and cuddling.
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2[countable, uncountable] a set of tools, equipment or clothes that you need for a particular purpose, sport or activity a tool kit a drum kit football/gym kit a first-aid kit apteczka pierwszej pomocy ▶ sprzęt komplet zestaw
kit1 /kɪt; US / noun 1 [countable] a set of parts that you buy and put together in order to make sth a kit for a model aeroplane ▶ zestaw (modelarski)
wyposażać się
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kit sb up with sth
At the gym they were all kitted out in the latest designer sportswear ▶ wyposażać (się) zaopatrywać (się)
kit sb/yourself out/up (in/with sth) to give sb all the necessary clothes, equipment, tools, etc. for sth Before you go skiing you must get kitted out with all the proper clothing.
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a kitchen
kitchen /ˈkɪtʃɪn; US / noun [countable] a room where food is prepared and cooked We usually eat in the kitchen. ▶ kuchnia
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kite /kaɪt; US / noun [countable] a toy which consists of a light frame covered with paper or cloth. Kites are flown in the wind on the end of a long piece of string to fly a kite ▶ latawiec
kicz, kiczowaty
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kitsch, kitschy
kitsch /ˈkɪtʃ; US / noun [uncountable] popular art or design that is lacking in good taste and is too bright or sentimental in style ▶ kicz kiczowaty
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a kitten
kitten /ˈkɪtn; US / noun [countable] a young cat ▶ kociątko
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a kiwi
ˈkiwi fruit noun [countable] (pl. kiwi fruit) (also kiwi) a small fruit with thin brown skin covered with small hairs, soft green flesh and black seeds, originally from New Zealand ▶ (owoc) kiwi
kiwi /ˈki: wi:; US / noun [countable] (pl. kiwis) 1 a New Zealand bird with a long beak and short wings that cannot fly ▶ kiwi
gnieść, ugniatać
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knead, knead
knead /ni: d; US / verb [transitive] to press and squeeze dough with your hands in order to make bread, etc. ▶ gnieść ugniatać
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2 the part of a pair of trousers, etc. that covers the knee There’s a hole in the knee of those jeans. ▶ kolano on your knees ▶ na klęczkach 2 in a very difficult or weak state When they took over, the company was on its knees. ▶ u kresu sił
knee /ni:; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 the place where your leg bends in the middle Angie fell and grazed her knee. She was on her hands and knees on the floor looking for her earrings. Come and sit on my knee. ▶ kolano
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kneecap /ˈni: kæp; US / (also technical patella /pəˈtelə; US /) noun [countable] the bone that covers the front of the knee ▶
po kolana
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up to my knees
ˌknee-ˈdeep adj. up to your knees The water was knee-deep in places. ▶ po kolana □ ˌknee-ˈdeep adv. I waded in knee-deep but the water was too cold to swim in. ▶ po kolana
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kneel - knelt/kneeled - knelt/kneeled
kneel /ni: l; US / verb [intransitive] (past tense, past participle knelt /nelt; US / or kneeled) kneel (down) to rest on one or both knees She knelt down to talk to the child. to kneel in prayer. ▶ klękać
figi damskie
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knickers /ˈnɪkəz; US / (especially US panties /ˈpæntiz; US /) noun [pl.] a piece of underwear for women that covers the area between the waist and the top of the legs a pair of knickers ▶ majtki damskie figi
nóż, ostrze
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knife, blade
The carving knife (nóż do krajania mięsa) is very blunt/sharp. a flick knife nóż sprężynowy a pocket knife/penknife scyzoryk ▶ nóż ostrze
knife1 /naɪf; US / noun [countable] (pl. knives /naɪvz; US /) a sharp blade with a handle. A knife is used for cutting things or as a weapon a knife and fork
dźgać, pchnąć nożem
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knife2 /naɪf; US / verb [transitive] to deliberately injure sb with a knife The young man had been knifed in the chest. ▶ dźgać pchnąć nożem  SYNONYM  stab
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knight /naɪt; US / noun [countable] 1 a soldier of a high level who fought on a horse in the Middle Ages ▶ rycerz 3 a piece used in the game of chess that is shaped like a horse’s head ▶ skoczek koń
dziać, robić na drutach
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to knit
2(knit) [only used in this form] joined closely together a close(ly)-knit/tightly knit (bardzo zżyta) village community ▶ zażyły zjednoczony zżyty
knit /nɪt; US / verb [i, t] (knitting; past tense, past participle knitted 1 to make sth (for example an article of clothing) with wool using two long needles or a special machine I’m knitting a sweater for my nephew. ▶ robić na drutach dziać
dzianie, dziewiarstwo
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knitting, knitting, knitwear
knitwear /ˈnɪtweə(r); US / noun [uncountable] articles of clothing that have been knitted the knitwear department ▶ dziewiarstwo
□ knitting /; US / noun [uncountable] I usually do some knitting while I’m watching TV. ▶ robienie/robótka na drutach dzianie dziewiarstwo
pokrętło, gałka
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knob, knob
knob /nɒb; US / noun [countable] 1 a round switch on a machine (e.g. a TV) that you press or turn the volume control knob ▶ pokrętło guzik 2 a round handle on a door, drawer, etc. ▶ gałka
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knobbly /ˈnɒbli; US / (also knobby /ˈnɒbi; US /) adj. having small hard lumps knobbly (kościste) knees ▶ guzowaty
pukać, stukać
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knock, knock
2[t] knock sth (on/against sth) to hit sb/sth hard, often by accident Be careful not to knock your head on the shelf when you get up. He knocked (strącił) the vase onto the floor. to knock sb unconscious nokautować kogoś ▶ uderzać (się) (w/o coś)
knock1 /nɒk; US / verb 1[intransitive] knock (at/on sth) to make a noise by hitting sth firmly with your hand Is that someone knocking at the door? Czy to ktoś puka do drzwi? I knocked on the window but she didn’t hear me. ▶ pukać stukać
uderzenie, cios
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I thought I heard a knock at the door (pukanie do drzwi). • (figurative) She has suffered some hard knocks in her life. Dostała od życia parę razy w kość. ▶ uderzenie cios
knock2 /nɒk; US / noun [countable] a sharp hit from sth hard or the sound it makes a nasty knock on the head
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knocker /ˈnɒkə(r); US / noun [countable] a piece of metal fixed to the outside of a door that you hit against the door to attract attention ▶ kołatka
nokaut, eliminacje
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knockout, eliminations
2 (especially Brit.) a competition in which the winner of each game goes on to the next part but the person who loses plays no more games ▶ zawody eliminacyjne eliminacje
knockout /ˈnɒkaʊt; US / noun [countable] 1 a hard hit that causes sb to become unconscious or to be unable to get up again for a while ▶ nokaut
węzeł, supeł
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knot, knot
2 a measure of the speed of a ship; approximately 1.8 kilometres per hour ▶ (żegl.) węzeł
knot1 /nɒt; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a place where two ends or pieces of rope, string, etc. have been tied together to tie/untie a knot ▶ węzeł supeł
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knot2 /nɒt; US / verb [transitive] (knotting; knotted) to fasten sth together with a knot ▶ z(a)wiązywać
wiedzieć, znać
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know - knew - known
I don’t know much about sport. Did you know that she was coming? Do you know where this bus stops? Do you know their telephone number? ‘ You’ve got a flat tyre.’ ‘ I know.’ Do you know the way to the restaurant? ▶ wiedzieć znać
know1 /nəʊ; US / verb (past tense knew /nju:; US nu: /, past participle known /nəʊn; US /) [not used in the continuous tenses] 1[intransitive, transitive] know (about sth); know (that)... to have knowledge or information in your mind
I’d like to get to know her better (chciałbym ją bliżej poznać). Natomiast mówiąc o poznawaniu nowych miejsc, używa się see lub visit: I’d like to go to the States and see/visit New York.
Mówiąc o poznaniu kogoś, tzn. o spotkaniu kogoś po raz pierwszy, używa się czasownika meet: We met at university in 2001. Mówiąc o pogłębianiu znajomości, używa się zwrotu get to know sb: Kevin’s wife seems very interesting.
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3[transitive] to be familiar with a person or a place; to have met sb or been somewhere before We’ve known each other for years. I don’t know this part of London well. Knowing Katie, she’ll be out with her friends. znać (kogoś/coś)
2[transitive, intransitive] to feel certain; to be sure of sth I just know you’ll pass the exam! As far as I know (o ile wiem), the meeting is next Monday afternoon. ▶ wiedzieć
być znanym jako
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know sb as sth
Istanbul was previously known as Constantinople. She’s known as an excellent manager. She’s best known for her work on the human brain. He’s known to be an outstanding physicist. ▶ być znanym jako znać kogoś jako/z czegoś
4 [transitive, often passive] know sb/sth as sth; know sb/sth for sth; know sb/sth to be sth to give sth a particular name; to recognize sb/sth as sth
umieć, potrafić
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know how to do sth
6[transitive] to have personal experience of sth They have known both wealth and poverty. Many people in western countries don’t know what it’s like to be hungry. ▶ znać zaznawać
5[t] know how to do sth to have learnt sth and be able to do it Do you know how to use a computer? ▶ umieć, potrafić Uwaga! W tym znaczeniu po czasowniku know trzeba koniecznie użyć how to: I know how to swim. (Nie można powiedzieć I know swim.)
Czasownika know nie używa się w czasach continuous. Natomiast często spotyka się go w present participle (formie -ing): Knowing how he’d react if he ever found out about it, she kept quiet
Lernen beginnen
to know
It’s been known to snow in June. Zdarzało się, że śnieg padał w czerwcu. 8 to speak or understand a language ▶ znać
7[transitive] [only in the past and perfect tenses] to have seen, heard, or experienced sth I’ve known him go a whole day without eating. Wiem, że niejeden raz nie jadł przez cały dzień.
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a know-all
ˈknow-all (also ˈknow-it-all) noun [countable] an annoying person who behaves as if they know everything ▶ mądrala
pełny zrozumienia
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knowing /ˈnəʊɪŋ; US / adj. showing that you know about sth that is thought to be secret a knowing look ▶ (spojrzenie itp.) pełny zrozumienia
świadomie, umyślnie
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knowingly /ˈnəʊɪŋli; US / adv. 1 on purpose; deliberately I’ve never knowingly lied to you. ▶ świadomie umyślnie 2 in a way that shows that you know about sth that is thought to be secret He smiled knowingly at her. ▶ ze zrozumieniem
wiedza, znajomość
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He has extensive knowledge of Ancient Egypt. I have a working knowledge (praktyczną znajomość) of French. ▶ wiedza znajomość (np. przedmiotu)
knowledge /ˈnɒlɪdʒ; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[uncountable, sing.] knowledge (of/about sth) information, understanding and skills that you have gained through learning or experience
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2[uncountable] the state of knowing about a particular fact or situation To my knowledge (o ile wiem) they are still living there. She did it without my knowledge. ▶ wiedza
znający się na rzeczy
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knowledgeable /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl; US / adj. having a lot of knowledge She’s very knowledgeable about history. ▶ znający się na rzeczy mądry □ knowledgeably /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ ze znawstwem
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knuckle1 /ˈnʌkl; US / noun [countable] the bones where your fingers join the rest of your hand ▶ knykieć staw (palca) kostka (u ręki)
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koala /kəʊˈɑ: lə; US / noun [countable] an Australian animal with thick grey fur that lives in trees and looks like a small bear ▶ (miś) koala
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kosher /ˈkəʊʃə(r); US / adj. (used about food) prepared according to the rules of Jewish law ▶ koszerny

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