slowka poprawa

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a nap
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short sleep during the day
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a Throw away society
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a sociaty that excessively disposes od thing - spoleczenstwo konsumpcjonistycznw
to dump
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to discard or thow away
to soil
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to make dirty
to swirl
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to move in a ciecular motion (water)
to float
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to stay on a surface of a liquid or in the air
to wander
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to walk aimlessly - wedrowac
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scattered fragments - gruz, szczatki
to gobble up
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to eat quickly and sometimes with a lot of noise:
a curplit
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a person resposible for crime or wrongdoing - winowajca sprawc
a cramp
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skurcz - a sudden unexpected tightening of muscles
a mold
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forma, a container used to shape things
to impose
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to force something on others
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unable to leave home usually due to illnes or disability
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having serious consequences -fatalny - brzemienny w skutku
to bounce
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odbijac sie - to rebound off a surface
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adaptable - abel to do many things - wszechstronny
to make up sth
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to invent or fabricate sth - wymyslic cos
to do away with
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to get rid of sthi- pozbyc sie czegos

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