Spanish sayings; los dichos en español

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Donde Cristo perdió el mechero
Carlos vive donde Cristo perdió el mechero, allí a tomar por culo a cincuenta kilómetros de Madrid
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Where Christ lost the lighter
meaning: very far away
A beber y a tragar, que el mundo se va acabar.
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Drink and be happy because tomorrow the world will end.
A mal tiempo, buena cara.
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In bad times, hold your face high.
En boca cerrada no entran moscas.
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Into a closed mouth flies will not enter.
A quien Dios ama, le llama.
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Whom the gods love die young.
Cuando el gato sale, los ratones bailan.
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When the cat's not in, the mice dance and play
A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda.
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God helps him who rises early
Cada gallo canta en su muladar.
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Each person rules in his own house or territory.
Cada martes tiene su domingo.
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Exhorts to optimism, reminding that bad comes in alternation with good.
Con el dinero baila el perro.
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Anything is possible with money.
El que avisa no es traidor.
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He who warns is not a traitor.

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