speling test 29.05.2019

 0    20 Datenblatt    kkaszowska
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set table
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She love to cook, but I hate setting the table.
take the rubbish out
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Please take the rubbish out before you go out.
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Our company supplies stores with this assortment
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In 1996, during the Clinton administration, the room was redecorated
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In 1950, the building was renovated for its current use.
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We rented a car to get to the airport.
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These shoes sell very quickly, they are very popular.
share a room with
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She shared a room with her.
gas bottle
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At one end was a set of gas bottles piped into the case.
huge area
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Her friend are spread out over a huge area and I won't be able to get them anywhere.
phone signal
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She went quiet and I checked the phone signal.
sleep in a tent
Lernen beginnen
Do you want to sleep in tent tonight?
solar lights
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She doesn’t like solar lights
bedroom door
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The bedroom door was to the left of the bed.
bike lock
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Students cycling to school should also invest in a tough bike lock.
car keys
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She lost the car keys
light switch
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The light switch is on the left.
picture frame
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This pictures in picture frame
rubbish bin
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Where's the rubbish bin?
toy box
Lernen beginnen
They all came out of the same heap in the toy box.

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