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RECKON ON, COUNT ON, BARGAIN FOR/ON, ANTICIPATE. --- The strength of opposition to the project was more than the Governor - JB Pritzker EXPECTED. Contemplar por, esperar por, tener en cuenta. to expect or be prepared for something. Lernen beginnen
The strength of opposition to the project was more than the Governor - JB Pritzker BARGAINED FOR.
AND SO ON, AND THING OF THAT KIND, AND WHATNOT. --- You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, and ETC. y demás. etc., and things of that kind. Lernen beginnen
You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, AND WHATNOT.
COURTESY, ETIQUETTE, RULES. ---- The diplomatic PROTOCOL forbids calling for the death of a national leader. etiqueta, protocolo, reglas de educación. the rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave. Lernen beginnen
Mr Etiquetteter said that diplomatic ETIQUETTE forbids calling for the death of a national leader.
GIVE UP, YIELD, CAVE IN. ---- Mr Cavering Ines said that because of the explosion, the roof of the building COLLAPSED, trapping several people. Desplomarse, derrumbarse, Cave inear, colapsar. If a ceiling, roof, or other structure caves in, it breaks and falls into the space below. Lernen beginnen
Mr Cavering Ines said that because of the explosion, the roof of the building CAVED IN, trapping several people.
to break under pressure?. Ceder, quebrarse y desplomarse. When the ceiling supports YIELDED UNDER PRESSURE, the mine caved in and everyone was trapped inside. Mr Giver Wayvy said Lernen beginnen
Give Way...... When the ceiling supports GAVE WAY, the mine caved in and everyone was trapped inside. - - - GIVE WAY. GIVE WAY. Ceder, desplomarse, Dar en, caerse. to break under pressure.
SINKING, SEA DISASTER, WRECK. --- The news reporter Mr Wrecker Smith said that the divers salvaged some of the cargo from the SHIPWRECK. Naufragio. an accident in which a ship is destroyed or sunk at sea, especially by hitting rocks, or a ship that has been destroyed or sunk in such an accident. Lernen beginnen
The news reporter Mr Wrecker Smith said that the divers SALVAGED some of the cargo from the WRECK.
LIBERATE, FREE UP, REALASE. --- Freeona Uprah said, we need to delete more files to MAKE SPACE on the computer's hard drive. liberar, dejar libre, hacer espacio. to make something available to be used. Lernen beginnen
Freeona Uprah said, we need to delete more files to FREE UP space on the computer's hard drive.
The detectives DISCUSSED their theories about who committed the murder. debatir. to talk about something with someone else in order to reach agreement about it. Lernen beginnen
The detectives HASHED OUT their theories about who committed the murder.
SUPPORT, RALLY ROUND, SHOW SOLIDARITY. ----. Mr Rallyers Roundas said, we MET TO SUPPORT our neighbors when their house burned down. reunirse, unirse para apoyar a, solidarizarse con. to help or support someone. Lernen beginnen
Mr Rallyers Roundas said, we RALLIED AROUND our neighbors when their house burned down.
SEA DISASTER, SHIPWRECK, SINKING. --- The news reporter Mr Shipwreckman Smith said that the divers salvaged some of the cargo from the WRECK. Lernen beginnen
The news reporter Mr Wrecker Smith said that the divers salvaged some of the cargo from the SHIPWRECK. The wreck occurred in dreadful weather conditions. ----- SHIPWRECK.
SALVAGE, RESCUE, RECOVER. ---- Mr Salvageny said that the divers SAVED some of the cargo from the wreck. Salvar, recuperar, rescatar. to save (something valuable or important): to prevent the loss of (something). Lernen beginnen
Mr Salvageny said that the divers SALVAGED some of the cargo from the wreck.
REQUEST, ASK FOR, CALL FOR. --- Miss Callling Fornys sad that diplomatic etiquette forbids DEMANDING the death of a national leader. Exigir, demandar, requerir. Lernen beginnen
Miss Callling Fornys sad that diplomatic etiquette forbids CALLING FOR the death of a national leader. - - - - - CALL FOR.