stawy stopy

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Frage Antworten
staw skokowo-goleniowy 1
Lernen beginnen
ankle joint, inferior articular surface of tibia, articular facets of tibia et fibula, medial and lateral malleolar facets, trochlea of talus
staw skokowo-goleniowy 2
Lernen beginnen
deltoid lig, tibionavicular part, tibiocalcaneal part, tibiotalar part, calcaneofibular lig, anterior/posterior talofibular ligament
stawy międzystępowe
Lernen beginnen
intertarsal joints, subtalar joint, talocalcaneonavicular joint, calcaneocuboid joint, transverse tarsal joint, cuneonavicular joint
staw skokowo-piętowy
Lernen beginnen
subtalar joint, lateral/medial/anterior/posterior talocalcaneal lig, talocalcaneal interosseous lig
staw skokowo-piętowo-łódkowy
Lernen beginnen
talocalcaneonavicular joint, plantar calcaneonavicular lig, talonavicular lig, bifurcate lig, calcaneonavicular lig, calcaneocuboid lig, tibionavicular part of deltoid lig
staw piętowo-sześcienny
Lernen beginnen
calcaneocuboid joint, calcaneocuboid lig of bifurcate lig, dorsal calcaneocuboid lig, long plantar lig, plantar calcaneocuboid lig
staw poprzeczny stępu
Lernen beginnen
transverse tarsal joint, Chopart's articulation, calcaneocuboid joint, talocalcaneonavicular joint, bifurcate lig, plantar calcaneonavicular lig
staw klinowo-łódkowy
Lernen beginnen
cuneonavicular joint, intercuneiform joints, cuneocuboid joint, cuboideonavicular joint, dorsal/plantar cuneonavicular lig, dorsal/plantar/interosseous intercuneiform lig, dorsal/plantar/interosseous cuneocuboid lig, dorsal/plantar cuboideonavicular lig
stawy stępowo-śródstopne
Lernen beginnen
tarsometatarsal joints, Lisfranc joint
stawy międzyśródstopne
Lernen beginnen
intermetatarsal articulations
stawy palców stopy
Lernen beginnen
joints of toes, metatarsophalangeal joints, interphalangeal joints of foot

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