Synonyms for the adjective "important"

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extremely important
It is ________ to explain it as soon as possible.
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It is crucial to explain it as soon as possible.
first in order of importance
The ________ problem is we don't have money for it.
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The principal problem is we don't have money for it.
extremely important
Diplomacy is an ________ element of International Relations
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Diplomacy is an essential element of International Relations
first in order of importance
The ________ question is what should we do next.
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The fundamental question is what should we do next.
extremely important
This task is ________, could you start with it?
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This task is urgent, could you start with it?
very important and having a lot of influence on the others
Nelson Mandela was a ________ figure in anti-apartheid revolution.
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Nelson Mandela was a key figure in anti-apartheid revolution.
first in order of importance
The greenhouse effect is going to be the ________ topic of our discussion.
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The greenhouse effect is going to be the main topic of our discussion.
quite important or easy to see
Gender equality should be a matter of ________ concern.
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also: large
Gender equality should be a matter of considerable concern.
extremely important
Good knowledge of English is ________ nowadays.
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Good knowledge of English is indispensable nowadays.
easy to see
There is a ________ improvement in the quality of their services.
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There is a noticeable improvement in the quality of their services.
important and easy to see
There is a ________ difference between being used to and getting used to.
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There is a significant difference between being used to and getting used to.

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