Over the next four years, what are you definitely going to do, what do you think you might do and what do you hope you'll do? going to do; might do; hope to do; work, health, transport, food, communication, energy, leisure time Lernen beginnen
Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Why?
Lernen beginnen
write a letter to yourself
How does the website work? Lernen beginnen
The website holds a letter you write and sends it to you on a date you pick.
Do you think it would be uplifting or depressing to get a letter from your younger self? uplifting: inspirational; offering or providing hope, encouragement, salvation Lernen beginnen
if someone is naive, they believe people are nicer and that things will be easier than they really are, because they have not had much experience of life
Listen to Laura reading a letter she wrote to herself four years ago when she was sixteen. Lernen beginnen
Which topics did she write about? Lernen beginnen
Studies, relationship and family.
Is the letter down-to-earth or romantic? Is it generally optimistic or pessimistic? Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
and correct the mistakes.
I envisage myself at Oxford Uni, ... sitting under a tree ... and watching something floaty. to float: to stay in the air or move slowly through the air Lernen beginnen
I envisage myself at Oxford Uni, ... sitting under a tree ... and wearing something floaty. filmy and light: floaty material 2. capable of floating; buoyant 3. (of a vessel) riding high in the water; of shallow draught; (of a boat) requiring little water to float.
I know, I'm practical. I hope that hasn't changed. Lernen beginnen
I know, I'm a romantic. I hope that hasn't changed.
I hope I'll have married someone. Lernen beginnen
I hope I'll have someone.
... I think I'll have three children with long brown hair and blue eyes. Lernen beginnen
... I think I'll have three children with long, brown hair and green eyes.
... I have to write everything I can down, but I'm running out of time. Lernen beginnen
... I want to write everything I can down, but I'm running out of time.
Don't worry too much, and be happy with who you are. Lernen beginnen
Don't change too much, and be happy with who you are.
Listen to the second part of the programmme Lernen beginnen
and underline the two correct alternatives.
Laura now sees her sixteen-year-old self as... shallow/quite; mature/unrealistic Lernen beginnen
Laura now sees her sixteen-year-old self as shallow unrealistic. shallow: not showing any serious or careful thought OPP deep
She feels ... at the way her life has turned out. very happy/ecstatic/amazed Lernen beginnen
She feels very happy at the way her life has turned out.
Think about your plans for ten years' time Lernen beginnen
Makes notes on three of the areas below. studies or work; achievements; travel; English; relationships and/or family; home; activities/experiences