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Who saw him?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Quién lo vio ?.
Who did it?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Quién lo hizo?.
Who followed him?.
Lernen beginnen
Quién lo siguió ?.
Who played with it?.
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Quien jugó con ello ?.
Who attended the concert?.
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¿Quién asistió al concierto ?.
Who left this here?.
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Quien dejó esto aquí ?.
Who broke the lamp?.
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¿Quién rompió la lámpara ?.
Who tried to call me last night?.
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Quien intentó llamarme anoche ?.
What happened?.
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¿Que pasó?.
How many people were there when it happened?.
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¿Cuántas personas estaban allí cuando sucedió ?.
Why didn't anyone call me?.
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¿Por qué nadie me llamo ?.
Did you kill him?.
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Lo mataste ?.
Did your brother see her?.
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¿Tu hermano la vio ?.
What was she doing when he saw her?.
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¿Qué estaba haciendo ella cuando el la vio ?.
Why don't you want to answer me?.
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¿Por qué no quieres contestarme ?.
Why did you leave this here?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Por qué dejaste esto aquí?.
When did you take her there?.
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¿Cuándo la llevaste allí ?.
Did she want to go with you?.
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¿Quería ella ir contigo ?.
When did you see the fight?.
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¿Cuándo viste la pelea ?.
How did it start?.
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¿Cómo comenzó?.
What were you doing when it started?.
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¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando empezó ?.
How did it end?.
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¿Cómo terminó?.
Who won the fight?.
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¿Quién ganó la pelea ?.
What happened to the other man?.
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¿Qué pasó con el otro hombre ?.
Did they take him to the hotel?.
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¿Lo llevaron al hotel ?.
Why did they take him there?.
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¿Por qué lo llevaron allí ?.
Did a doctor see him?.
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Lo vio un médico?.
Why didn't you try to stop him?.
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¿Por qué no intentaste detenerlo ?.
Who decided to do that?.
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¿Quién decidió hacer eso ?.
Whose idea was that?.
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De quién fue esa idea ?.
And then what happened?.
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Y luego, ¿qué pasó ?.
Whose knife was it?.
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¿De quién era el cuchillo ?.
Did it belong to Morgan?.
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¿Le pertenecia a Morgan ?.
Are you sure he was drunk?.
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¿Estas seguro que el estaba borracho ?.
Why do you think he did it?.
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¿Por qué crees que lo hizo ?.
Did he have anything against her?.
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¿El tenía algo en contra de ella ?.
Was he afraid of her?.
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¿El le tenía miedo a ella ?.
What did he do with the knife?.
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¿Qué hizo con el cuchillo ?.
Who killed him?.
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¿Quién lo mató ?.
Who gave him the knife?.
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¿Quién le dio el cuchillo ?.
Why did you give it to him?.
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¿Por qué se lo diste a él ?.
Where did you get that gun?.
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¿De dónde sacaste esa pistola ?.
Why didn't you use it?.
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¿Por qué no la usaste ?.
Did he know you had it?.
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¿Sabía él que la tenías?.
What did he do when he saw it?.
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¿Qué hizo cuando lo vio ?.
Did he try to take it from you?.
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¿Intentó quitártela?
What was your first reaction?.
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¿Cuál fue su primera reacción ?.
Was he glad to see you?.
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Estaba contento de verte ?.
Why was he so nervous?.
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El estava muy nervioso.
Thank you very much for answering my questions.
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Muchas gracias por responder mis preguntas.
Whose knife was it?.
Lernen beginnen
¿De quién era el cuchillo ?.
Did he try to take it from you?.
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¿Intentó quitártela?
Quito was constantly fidgeting in his chair ........ fidget.
Lernen beginnen
Quito estaba constantemente inquieto en su silla.
fidget= estar inquieto, moverse nerviosamente.: to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc.: to move or act in a nervous or restless way.
Kaz was constantly fidgeting in his chair.
Lernen beginnen
Kaz estaba constantemente inquieta en su silla.
fidget= estar inquieto, moverse nerviosamente.: to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc.: to move or act in a nervous or restless way.
Benny was constantly fidgeting in his chair.
Lernen beginnen
Benny estaba constantemente inquieto en su silla.
fidget= estar inquieto, moverse nerviosamente.: to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc.: to move or act in a nervous or restless way.
Manny was constantly fidgeting in his chair.
Lernen beginnen
Manny estaba constantemente inquieto en su silla.
fidget= estar inquieto, moverse nerviosamente.: to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc.: to move or act in a nervous or restless way.
Damian fidgeted in her seat during the long movie.
Lernen beginnen
Damian se movió nerviosamente en su asiento durante la película larga.
fidget= estar inquieto, moverse nerviosamente.: to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc.: to move or act in a nervous or restless way.
Julian fidgeted in his seat during the long movie.
Lernen beginnen
Julian se movió nerviosamente en su asiento durante la película larga.
fidget= estar inquieto, moverse nerviosamente.: to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc.: to move or act in a nervous or restless way.
Karlas's baby fidgeted in her seat during the long movie.
Lernen beginnen
El bebé de Karla se movió nerviosamente en su asiento durante la película larga.
fidget= estar inquieto, moverse nerviosamente.: to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc.: to move or act in a nervous or restless way.
Fernando was fidgeting with his tie before the presentation.
Lernen beginnen
Fernando estaba jugueteando con la corbata nerviosamente antes de la presentación.
fidget= estar inquieto, moverse nerviosamente.: to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc.: to move or act in a nervous or restless way.
Charly was fidgeting with his tie before the presentation.
Lernen beginnen
Charly estaba jugueteando con la corbata nerviosamente antes de la presentación.
fidget= estar inquieto, moverse nerviosamente.: to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc.: to move or act in a nervous or restless way.
Why didn't you try to stop him?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Por qué no intentaste detenerlo ?.
Why didn't you try to stop him?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Por qué no intentaste detenerlo ?.
Can you put me through to Mister Vaughan, please?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Me puede poner al teléfono con Mister Vaughan, por favor ?.
put somebody through= pasar poner a alguien por el teléfono. to connect somebody by telephone.
The doctor is in now; I'll put you through.
Lernen beginnen
El médico esta adentro ahora; Se lo pondre al teléfono.
put somebody through= pasar poner a alguien por el teléfono. to connect somebody by telephone.
Can you put me through to Mister Vaughan, please?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Me puede poner al teléfono con Mister Vaughan, por favor ?.
put somebody through= pasar poner a alguien por el teléfono. to connect somebody by telephone.
Could you put me through to the manager, please?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Me podría comunicar con el gerente, por favor ?.
put somebody through= pasar poner a alguien por el teléfono. to connect somebody by telephone.
Could you put me through to the manager, please?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Me podría comunicar con el gerente, por favor ?.
put somebody through= pasar poner a alguien por el teléfono. to connect somebody by telephone.
What’s cracking yo?.
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Que onda tu?.
What up dawg?.
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Que onda Perro?.
Why is it taking them so long?.
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¿Por qué se estan tardando tanto tiempo ?.
That stupid guy’s a slime.
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Ese estupido vato es un baboso.
That fucking guy’s a slime.
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Ese pinche vato es un baboso.
That girl’s a slime.
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Esa vieja es una babosa.
That fucking girl is a slime.
Lernen beginnen
Esa pinche vieja es una babosa.
That dude’s a slime.
Lernen beginnen
Ese vato es un baboso.
That fucking dude’s a slime.
Lernen beginnen
Ese pinche vato es un baboso.
SPARE ...... Can you spare a little sugar?
Lernen beginnen
Poder dar, poder regalar.

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