test 29n

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mieć coś własnego
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have sth of your own
we want to have a house of our own
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Grow up
when she grows up, she wants to be a vet
myslec o
Lernen beginnen
Think of = think about
I’m thinking about my new plan
Ciężko stwierdzić, nie można powiedzieć
Lernen beginnen
There is no saying
there is no saying what she will do next
Wywrocic do gory dnem
Lernen beginnen
The boat capsized during the storm
zbierać drewno na opał
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collect firewood
rozpalic ognisko
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Make a bonfire
we need to collect firewood to make a bonfire
odpoczywac, wypoczywac
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we need to rest after a tiring day
chwila, jakis czas
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a while
it may take a while. After a while, he called me again.
W tym samym czasie, jednoczesnie
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At the same time
she was crying and at the same time he was laughing
zdaje sie, że jest problem...
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There seems to be a problem with
there seems to be a problem with the computer
Mieć czegos dość
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Be fed up with
I’m fed up with cleaning the house so often
kule rehabilitacyjne
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he has to use crutches after he had broken his leg
Podejmij ostateczną decyzję
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Make a final decision
Think carefully before you make a final decision
Poważnie coś rozważyć
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Take sth into deep consideration
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we need to buy her a present. Any suggestions?
rozsądny, sensowny
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your plan sounds sensible. That’s a sensible decision.
przemyslec cos
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Think sth over
Think your idea over before you put it into action
Dyskryminacja rasowa
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Racial discrimination
rasa (człowieka)
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Human race destroys the planet
Zamieszki, rozruch
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riots broke out in the streets
dokuczliwy, nieznosny, niepokojacy
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A troublesome kid, a troublesome problem
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love affair
she had a love affair with her colleague
mieć Niszczący wpływ na
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have a destructive impact on
He’s hot Temper has a destructive impact on his family life.
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What’s the length of the river?
Okazjonalnie od czasu do czasu
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she occasionally visit us
smutny, przygnebiony
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you look miserable today
z łatwością
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with ease
She can do the exercise with ease
Ostrożnie, starannie, uważnie
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Drive carefully, write carefully, listen carefully
Nieostrożnie niestarannie beztrosko
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Drive carelessly
Poskutkować, wejść w życie
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Take effect
The medicine took effect. New regulations took effect.
Znikać odchodzić (emocje ból)
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go away
my anger went away. The pain will go away when you take painkillers.
byc ubranym w
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Be dressed in
He was dressed in formal clothes
owinąć, zawinąć, zapakować
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I must wrap the present in nice paper
Na dziś koniec wystarczy na dziś w (pracy nauki)
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Call it a day
Let’s call it a day. We worked hard enough today.
Na własne ryzyko
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At your own risk
there are sharks here so you swim at your own risk
Wziąć odpowiedzialność za
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Take responsibility for
you must take responsibility for your actions
Mieć szanse powodzenia w
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Stand a chance of
I don’t stand a chance of winning this race
byc w dobrym humorze
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Be in high spirits
She is in good spirits today
Mieć katar
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Have got a runny nose
I always have a runny nose when it’s cold outside
Zarzut, oskarżenie
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there were a lot of corruption allegations
Rozpatrywać coś podać jakąś sprawę prowadzić śledztwo
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Look into
The police will look into the bank robbery
komitet, komisja
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medical committee, finance committee
Rozpowszechniać, roznosic informacje
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Spread information
don’t spread the information if you think they are untrue
Nadawać, transmitować
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tomorrow we will broadcast the match
utrzymać coś w tajemnicy
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keep sth secret
you must keep our wedding in secret
Nieobliczalny, nieprzewidywalny
Lernen beginnen

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