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during an HYD2 system loss, the PTU can still be used to lower the landing gear if:
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there's minimum hydraulic quantity of 12% in the right reservoir
wingspan of emb170 and emb190
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26m and 28,72m
Where is located the waste tank servicing panel:
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on the rear right side of fuselage
dump switch button - what will happen after press in
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ECS packs, recirculation fans to OFF. depressurize the cabin to 12400ft
How many channels does the cabin pressurization controller have
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Where are installed the two ECS packs?
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wing to fuselage fairing
APU model
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Sunstrand APS 2300
How many inverters are in the aircraft?
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What IDG 1 and IDG 2 normally power?
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IDG 1 - AC BUS 1 and IDG 2 - AC BUS 2
T2 sensor
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monitors the engine air inlet temperature
N1 sensor
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provides the fan speed data for FADEC and vibration monitoring system
How many multi-function spoilers are on each wing?
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5: 3 outboard and 2 inboard
How long will de-icing system remain on after icing is no longer detected?
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5 minutes
The accumulator of emergency parking brake have sufficient pressure to provide:
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6 full-brake applications
EGPWS: High-density red dots indicate:
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terrain more than 2000ft above airplane altitude
What happened during pushback if speed will be higher than set and hydraulic systems 1 and 2 will be depressurized?
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there will be EICAS message BRK LH (RH) FAULT or FAIL
the APU will automatically shutdown in flight if the following occur:
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overspeed, underspeed, FADEC critical fault
What is the maximum continuous temperature for engine?
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the navigation data base is updated every:
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28 days
inertial reference system (IRS) computes:
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airplane position, ground speed, heading and attitude
When is the wind shear detection activated?
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between 10 and 1500ft
TRU ESS provides DC power to:
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Which ADSP will be heated when the batteries are the only electrical source?
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When the TCAS automatically reverts to TA only mode?
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belów 900ft AGL during descent, or below 1100ft during climb
How long does the IESS take for alignment?
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90 seconds
How many electrical sensors measure the fuel quantity?
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13 in each tank
ILS covergae
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10° to 25nm and 35° to 17nm
MEL - interval repair indication: A B C D
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A - no standard, B - 3 days, C - 10 days, D - 120 days
What is included in the fire protection system (4 items)?
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Engines, APU, Cargo compartments, lavatories
What happens when you pull the fire extinguisher handle? (4 items)
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fuel, hydraulic, bleed air and crossbleed shutoff valves close
The fire handle illumination went off after discharging the bottle, but the EICAS warning ENG FIRE is still active. Is the fire still present?
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What happens during detection of smoke in the lavatory (4 items)?
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Master warning, EICAS warning - LAV SMOKE, alarm sound and light in the lavatory, flashing ORANGE light on rainbow lights
What happen if you press fire detection test buttom for more than 10s?
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the APU will shut down
What does the AP quick disconnect button do?
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disconnects the autopilot and stops any active trim command
Flaps/slats - sequence of deployment.
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slats extend first and flaps retracts first
What happens in the intermediate position of flap/slat lever?
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flaps/slats remain in the last selected position
What will happen if the CPT and F/O operate the control wheel pitch trim in the opposite direction?
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captain has priority
What will happen if PBIT expires in flight?
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no action is required
Total electricity loss - may we still operate flight controls?
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yes, for at least 15 minutes through the backup power system
ETC, PCU, AFU - what do these acronyms stand for?
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ETC - elevator thrust compensation. PCU - power control unit. AFU - artificial feel units
Strike overload - how many attempts are possible?
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2 attempts
Slats/flaps and RAT deployed - does anything change?
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the flap and slat operate in half speed. And max position 3
LOW1 in dual eng fail - why?
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AC ESS BUS powers the AC Fuel PUMP 2A
Dripstick - what is it used for?
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provide an alternate means for fuel measuring (mounted under each wing)
Ejector fuel pump - from which electrical bus is it fed?
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it does not require electrical power to operate

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