Text 3 Angelina

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to make a difference
Lernen beginnen
zmieniać wszystko
To get stuck into sth
Lernen beginnen
to start doing sth in an enthusiastic way
To muck in
Lernen beginnen
to work with other people in order to complete a task
Lernen beginnen
showing a lot of love for sb, often ignoring their faults
Lernen beginnen
according to what some people say, rzekomo
to devastate
Lernen beginnen
to completely destroy a place or an area
Lernen beginnen
(of pregnant woman) brzuch (kobiety ciężarnej)
to look swell
Lernen beginnen
Wyglądać szykownie
Lernen beginnen
very happy, excited and enthusiastic; feeling or showing great enthusiasm
Lernen beginnen
extremely large or serious
to show sth/sb off
Lernen beginnen
to show people sb/sth that you are proud of
Lernen beginnen
involving using the hands or physical strength
Lernen beginnen
the possibility that sth will happen
Lernen beginnen
the attractive and exciting quality that makes a person, a job or a place seem special, often because of wealth or status
Lernen beginnen
the willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or an activity
to aid
Lernen beginnen
to help sb/sth to do sth, especially by making it easier

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