that will never work

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bucking (v. to buck) sth
I had strong feeling about bucking the prevailing norm of Silicon valley
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opposing (v to oppose) sth
to be laid-back
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to be relaxed
to peer
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to look carefully or with difficulty
My hunch is that he will resign.
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a feeling or guess that something might be true, when there is no proof
They obtained the information by subterfuge.
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a trick or a dishonest way of achieving something
sneer n. v.
drwic drwia
Carlos sneered at my attempts to put the tent up.
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to talk about, or look at someone or something in a way that shows you do not approve of them
TV reporters swarmed outside the pop star's home.
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to move in a large group or a large group of things, usually insects, moving together
snuć się
They wandered aimlessly around the town.
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to walk slowly about a place without any purpose
stolen goods
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stolen goods
placid adv. placidly
A placid person is calm and does not often get angry or excited.
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calm person (opanowany)
a computer/wine/book buff
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someone who knows a lot about computers/films/wine, etc
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liking the company of other people
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clever but sometimes dishonest behaviour that you use to deceive someone
a guileless person/smile
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I'll keep you abreast of any developments.
to keep (sb) abreast of sth
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to make sure you or someone else knows about the most recent changes in a subject or situation

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