The incredibile journey 1

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a dog that is a mix of several different breeds
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The incredible journey: How Baltic the mongrel drifted 20 miles out to sea on river ice and survived
to pull something quickly in order to remove it
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Sailors plucked the animal to safety
to be carried along by currents of water
Pol. dryfować
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No one noticed that the boat had begun to drift out to sea.
Baltic the mongrel drifted 20 miles out to sea on river ice
a person or vehicle that is ___ is unable to move from the place where they are [= stuck]
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the stranded mutt
a dog that does not belong to any particular breed [= mongrel]
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the stranded mutt
an attempt
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Another bid to save the stranded mutt was made at Kwidzyn
an occasion on which sth is seen, especially sth rare or sth that people are hoping to see
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After sightings dried up it was assumed the dog had perished.
to die, especially in a terrible or sudden way
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After sightings dried up it was assumed the dog had perished.
Pol. foka
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One of the sailors thought they had seen another seal
to be very easy to do or achieve
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to be plain sailing
They found saving the stranded dog was by no means plain sailing.
a short sharp high cry which an animal makes when excited, in pain, surprised
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The dog didn’t even yelp
almost complete darkness
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the dog would never have been spotted amid the gloom.
an animal or toy, or a person dressed as an animal, that represents a team or organization, and is thought to bring them good luck
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to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink:
not sink
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A dog was rescued from an iceberg floating 18 miles from land in the Baltic Sea.
to make a long, very high sound or cry:
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He didn't even squeal.
(moving) on a river or stream towards its origin:
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he was spotted in Grudziadz, 40 miles upstream,
a person whose job is to take care of sheep and move them from one place to another:
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fireman tried to reach the German shepherd-type mongrel.
a vehicle for travelling on water or through the air:
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thick ice made it too risky to launch a rescue craft
comparative of far: to a greater distance or degree, or at a more advanced level:
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Another bid to save the stranded mutt was made at Kwidzyn, 22 miles further on towards Poland’s coast.
If a supply of something ......, it ends:
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dries up
After sightings dried up it was assumed the dog had perished.

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