Tiny Homes for the Homeless

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Malutkie domki
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Tiny houses
bezdomni / ludzie bezdomni
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the homeless / homeless people
I build tiny houses for the homeless.
sprawdzać coś / oglądać
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to check sth out
He's checking it out.
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to build - built - built
I first started building tiny houses in 2015.
zwykły pokój
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a basic room
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safe / secure
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wykrywacz dymu
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a smoke detector
energia słoneczna
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solar power
dużo większy
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much larger
czwarta i piąta klasa
klasa w szkole
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fourth and fifth grade
a grade
następne pokolenie
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the next generation
kolejni przywódcy
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the next leaders
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być zaangażowanym (w coś)
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to be involved (in sth)
przyszłość ludzkości
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the future of humanity
rosnąć szybko
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to skyrocket
Our homeless problem in Los Angeles is skyrocketing.
stracić nadzieję
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to lose hope
wyraz twarzy
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the look on sb's face
To see the look on their face when you hand them a key to their own place.
wręczać komuś coś
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to hand sb sth
to hand sb a key to their own place
nie do opisania
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jałmużna, zasiłek, datek
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There's a big difference between a HANDOUT and a HAND UP.
podnosić rękę, żeby zgłosić się do pomocy / być aktywnym
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Hand up
There's a big difference between a HANDOUT and a HAND UP.
To właściwa rzecz. / Tak należy zrobić.
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It's the right thing to do.
Helping people is the right thing to do.

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