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potential - Wind power is a potential source of energy.
załącznik (do listu elektronicznego)
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attachment - I'll send you the file as an attachment
całkowicie, zupełnie, z kretesem, kompletnie
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utterly - This user manual is utterly useless.
zdruzgotany, załamany
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devastated - I was utterly devastated by my father's death.
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incompetent - My supervisor thinks I'm incompetent.
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rude - It's rude to ask a woman her age.
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intestine, gut - He took out the guts of the animal.
twarzą w twarz
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face to face - I don't want to meet him face to face.
dykcja, wymowa
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diction - It is very helpful for a language teacher to have good diction.
nienaganny (o zachowaniu, manierach, guście), bez zarzutu, bezgrzeszny
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impeccable - The service at the restaurant was impeccable.
odzyskać, odnaleźć, pobierać np. dane
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retrieve - I want to retrieve my grandmother's ring
nagłość, pilność, nagła potrzeba
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urgency - She didn't understand the urgency of the situation.
określony, oznaczony, wyznaczony, wskazany
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designated - The school has been designated a specialist science academy.
niedwuznaczny, jednoznaczny formal synonim: unambiguous
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unequivocal - The prime minister, he said, had the party's unequivocal support.
pobłażliwość, wyrozumiałość
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indulgence - All the pleasures and indulgences of the weekend are over, and I must get down to some serious hard work.
wsparcie (np. finansowe), pomoc (w czymś)
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assistance - People, whose houses were destroyed by the hurricane, need great financial assistance.
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in person - She appeared in person to collect her prize.
dostarczać, zaopatrywać, meblować
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furnish - Jeanne’s catering company furnished all the food for the party.
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procedure - The procedure may be hard for some people to do.
nadzorczy, kontrolujący
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supervisory - We need to employ more supervisory staff.
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drastic - Some pretty drastic measures are required.
jaskrawy, żywy (np. kolor)
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vivid - She loves to dress in vivid colours.
przyjmować, przypuszczać, zakładać (że coś jest prawdziwe), wnioskować
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presume - I presume (that) they're not coming, since they haven't replied to the invitation.
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desperate - The prisoners grew increasingly desperate.
źle coś rozpocząć (np. znajomość) - start a relationship badly
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start off on the wrong foot -
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clarification - This problem will not be understood without proper clarification.
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argumentative - Everyone in the family was argumentative.
rozwiązywać coś, wyjaśniać coś
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clear up - I think you should clear some things up to me.
ton (barwa głosu)
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tone - He had a very low sexy tone of voice.

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