Unit 1

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Lernen beginnen
easy to reach or get into
Lernen beginnen
something that is possible to be completed with success
Lernen beginnen
something important that you succeed in doing by your own efforts
add to
Lernen beginnen
to make a feeling or quality stronger and more noticeable
Lernen beginnen
worried about something
Lernen beginnen
behaving in a silly way that makes you seem much younger than you really are – used to show disapproval
Lernen beginnen
making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold, etc.
Lernen beginnen
determined or trying very hard to be more successful than others
Lernen beginnen
the feeling that you can trust someone or something to be good, work well or produce good results
Lernen beginnen
a condition in which somebody is unable to hear
Lernen beginnen
very pleased and happy
Lernen beginnen
having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop you
Lernen beginnen
a way in which two or more people or things are not like each other
Lernen beginnen
extremely unpleasant
Lernen beginnen
having or needing a lot of energy or determination
Lernen beginnen
becoming excited too easily
Lernen beginnen
the feeling of being happy, interested or eager
Lernen beginnen
popular, especially for a short period of time
feel a sense of achievement
Lernen beginnen
to feel proud of something that you’ve done
Lernen beginnen
when you are healthy and strong enough to do hard work or play sports
Lernen beginnen
a foolish person behaves in a silly way or looks silly; a foolish action, remark, etc. is stupid and shows that someone is not thinking sensibly
get sth across
Lernen beginnen
to succeed in making people understand what you are telling them
give sth away
Lernen beginnen
to tell people a secret by accident
give sth up
Lernen beginnen
quit; stop
Lernen beginnen
the state of being happy
have a sense of adventure
Lernen beginnen
to be willing to try new things, take risks, etc.
have a sense of direction
Lernen beginnen
to be able to estimate your location or where to go without the help of navigating devices
have a sense of freedom
Lernen beginnen
to feel free
have a sense of fun
Lernen beginnen
to be able to enjoy something and have fun
have a sense of humour
Lernen beginnen
to be able to understand humour
have a sense of rhythm
Lernen beginnen
to be able to dance or play music
Lernen beginnen
believing that what you hope for is likely to happen
Lernen beginnen
if something that you try to do is hopeless, there is no possibility of it being successful
Lernen beginnen
angry and upset by someone’s behaviour or remarks
Lernen beginnen
not liking work and physical activity, or not making any effort to do anything
miss out on sth
Lernen beginnen
to not have the chance to do something that you enjoy and that would be good for you
Lernen beginnen
when somebody is moved, they feel strong emotions, especially of sadness or sympathy
not really worth it
Lernen beginnen
used to say that you do not gain anything from an action
Lernen beginnen
angry and upset by someone’s behaviour or remarks
Lernen beginnen
if a part of your body is painful, it hurts; making you feel very upset, or very difficult and unpleasant for you
Lernen beginnen
causing no pain; not difficult or unpleasant to do
Lernen beginnen
not having any mistakes, faults or damage
Lernen beginnen
extremely frightened, especially so frightened that you cannot move or think
put sb off doing sth
Lernen beginnen
to make you dislike something or not want to do something
Lernen beginnen
feeling happy because you are no longer worried about something
Lernen beginnen
done many times in the same way, and boring
Lernen beginnen
about or relating to science, or using its methods
Lernen beginnen
knowing exactly what you want to do and being determined to achieve it, even if other people advise you against it
Lernen beginnen
caring and feeling sorry about someone’s problems
take off
Lernen beginnen
to become popular or successful
Lernen beginnen
feeling worried, uncomfortable, and unable to relax
Lernen beginnen
very frightened
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
very excited, happy, and pleased
Lernen beginnen
feeling that you want to sleep or rest
try sth out
Lernen beginnen
to test something such as a method or a piece of equipment to see if it is effective or works properly
Lernen beginnen
sympathetic and kind about other people’s problems
Lernen beginnen
something that can be seen; an effect that is visible is great enough to be noticed; noticeable
won’t regret
Lernen beginnen
to not feel bad about doing something
worth trying
Lernen beginnen
something that deserves an attempt
wouldn’t recommend
Lernen beginnen
to discourage someone to do something

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