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I seem to repel women. Why - do I smell?! The army finally managed to repel the enemy from their territory. Lernen beginnen
odstraszać, wzbudzać niechęć odeprzeć Wygląda na to, że odstraszam kobiety. Dlaczego - brzydko pachnę?
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budzący wstręt/obrzydzenie, mogący odeprzeć coś (np. substancję)
The newspaper is a bit biased. They write more positively about the government than the opposition. The referee was definitely biased as he favoured the away team. Lernen beginnen
nieobiektywny Ta gazeta jest nieco stronnicza. Lepiej piszą o rządzie niż o opozycji.
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I object to that innuendo - if you want to say something, say it straight out. Lernen beginnen
Analogue TV is the forerunner of digital TV. Lernen beginnen
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Although subtle, her comments alluded to the fact that accounts had been tampered with. Lernen beginnen
robić aluzję, nawiązywać do czegoś, wspominać
When the commercial break comes on, I usually flick to another channel. Lernen beginnen
The documentary presented a gritty look at the real problems of an inner-city ghetto. Lernen beginnen
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realistyczność, wytrwałość, odwaga, determinacja
The train came to a grinding halt. Lernen beginnen
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The book was so gripping that I couldn’t put it down. Lernen beginnen
porywający, trzymający w napięciu
No wonder he is so rich, he is a very grasping type of person who never buys anything. Lernen beginnen
His character is very grating – he manages to annoy everyone. Lernen beginnen
drażniący, działający na nerwy
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The football match was made much more exciting by the commentator’s thorough knowledge of the game. Lernen beginnen
Overall, his ideas are very strange, but in some respects I think he’s right. Lernen beginnen
pod pewnymi względami, w niektórych aspektach
We were told at very short notice that the order had to be sent as soon as possible. Lernen beginnen