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Lernen beginnen
skoncentruj się na zadaniu
I felt I was doing well and my confidence began to grow. Lernen beginnen
She isn’t able to cope with all the homework at her new school. Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
He needs to focus more on his studies, so that he gets better grades. Lernen beginnen
John showed high intelligence from an early age. Lernen beginnen
He did not have much knowledge of American history. Lernen beginnen
Actors have to learn their lines by heart. Lernen beginnen
nauczyć się czegoś na pamięć
She has a terrible memory for names. Lernen beginnen
pay attention to something Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying. Lernen beginnen
uważać na coś/zwracać uwagę na coś
revise for an exam / a test Lernen beginnen
powtarzać do egzaminu / testu
I missed last week’s lessons, so now I have to catch up at home. Lernen beginnen
After her time in hospital, Jenny’s parents are afraid she has fallen behind educationally. Lernen beginnen
Be quiet and get on with your work! Lernen beginnen
I give up. What’s the answer? Lernen beginnen
Jack’s having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class, because they seem to learn things faster than him. Lernen beginnen
He looked through his notes quickly then started his speech. Lernen beginnen
przeglądać coś/przeszukiwać coś/patrzeć przez coś
The students made up stories about life on a desert island. Lernen beginnen
I picked up a few words of Greek when I was there last year. Lernen beginnen
nauczyć się czegoś, podłapać coś
In your final paragraph, sum up your argument. Lernen beginnen
We need to work out how much food we'll need to take with us. Lernen beginnen
She left school at 16, with no academic qualifications. Lernen beginnen
He studied physics to an advanced level, so I’m sure he can help you with your physics homework. Lernen beginnen
The job doesn’t require much training because it’s based on common sense. Lernen beginnen
He has good general knowledge so he’ll be useful on the quiz team. Lernen beginnen
He got a job at 18 instead of continuing to higher education. Lernen beginnen
Do you have practical experience of working with young children? Lernen beginnen
If you can’t afford to buy the book, why don’t you look for it in the library? Lernen beginnen
Jeśli nie stać cię, żeby kupić książkę, dlaczego nie poszukasz jej w bibliotece?
My new trainers were in the sale, so they were a real bargain. Lernen beginnen
Can I borrow your pen for a minute? Lernen beginnen
How much would it cost to buy a new laptop? Lernen beginnen
The local currency is the Swiss franc. Lernen beginnen
Members get a 15% discount on everything they buy. Lernen beginnen
He earns £50 a week from his job at the café. Lernen beginnen
The exchange rate is good at the moment if you need to change pounds into euros. Lernen beginnen
I lent that book to Mike, but he’s going to give it back tomorrow. Lernen beginnen
Make sure you get a receipt for everything you buy. Lernen beginnen
save money to buy something special Lernen beginnen
zaoszczędzić pieniądze kupić coś specjalnego
Lernen beginnen
The voucher can be used at the supermarket instead of money. Lernen beginnen
He wastes all his money on video games that he never plays. Lernen beginnen
One of the pictures is worth £50,000. Lernen beginnen
The school is taking a new approach to teaching languages. Lernen beginnen
Thomas attends an evening class in car maintenance. He wants to repair old cars for a living. Lernen beginnen
If you are good with children, consider a career in childcare. Lernen beginnen
Children shouldn't be in conflict with their parents. Lernen beginnen
The consequences of our actions may last for many years. Lernen beginnen
Picasso is considered one of history’s greatest artists. Lernen beginnen
Picasso jest uważany za jednego z najwspanialszych artystów w historii.
cost a fortune; cost an arm and a leg That diamond ring costs a fortune, but it’s really beautiful. Lernen beginnen
kosztuje fortunę; kosztować majątek
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
information technology (IT) Lernen beginnen
technologia informacyjna (IT)
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
grawitacja, siła przyciągania
Don't judge a book by it's cover. Lernen beginnen
Nie oceniaj książki po okładce.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
I wouldn’t like to be in her shoes when his dad finds out what happened. Lernen beginnen
być w czyjejś sytuacji; na czyimś miejscu Nie chciałąbym być na jej miejscu, kiedy jej tata dowie się, co się wydarzyło.
Whatever she did, it made no difference. Lernen beginnen
Cokolwiek robiła, niczego to nie zmieniało.
This week’s magazine has some tips on healthy eating. Lernen beginnen