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breakdown of rock into smaller pieces
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removal and transport of material
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dropping of material, such as sediment
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weathering through physical means such as abrasion or changes in temperature
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weathering through chemical reactions
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can move particles, which can abrade solid rock
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can move particles, which can abrade solid rock, and when slightly acidic, can dissolve some rock
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can smash pebbles against each other and other rock
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can split rock through cycles of freezing and thawing or by moving glaciers
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grade (or slope) measured by the ratio of drop in elevation and horizontal distance
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particles that settle after being eroded and deposited
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deposited sediment that forms a triangular structure at the mouth of the river
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a triangular structure, similar to a delta, on land
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is a feature that forms when water dissolves limestone, forming voids in the rock
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area or region characterized by many caves and sinkholes
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cycles of freezing and thawing water breaks rock because ice expands
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process of scraping or wearing something away
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downward movement of the lithosphere
Stalactite and Stalagmite Lernen beginnen
cave features that form due to dripping water
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large areas of ice on land
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landforms that result when a glacier deposits till (glacier sediment)
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depressions left behind by glaciers when ice melts
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water underground (about 30% of Earth’s fresh water)
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is a circular depression that forms at the land surface when the rock beneath collapses