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During the meeting, James was inattentive, preferring to chew his pen instead of taking notes. Lernen beginnen
The children were very attentive when the policeman came in to speak to their class about his job. Lernen beginnen
Dzieci były bardzo uważne, kiedy policjant przyszedł opowiedzieć klasie o swojej pracy.
Instead of going to university, Jim decided to work as an apprentice electrician. Lernen beginnen
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The government announced that the aid allocation for famine victims would increase by 30%. Lernen beginnen
Thank you for this information. You've given me a new insight into how the company works. Two years’ experience gave him an insight into the banking profession. Lernen beginnen
znajomość tematu, wgląd w coś, spojrzenie
Sometimes when you get a new job it means having to relocate to another town. The director plans to relocate the head office from the city centre to the suburbs. Lernen beginnen
Nowa praca oznacza czasem, że trzeba przenieść się do innego miasta.
We'll need to hire relocation company. Lernen beginnen
przeniesienie Będziemy musieli zatrudnić firmę zajmującą się przeprowadzkami.
The fire was caused by faulty wiring in the kitchen. Lernen beginnen
If this product is defective in any way, please return it to the manufacturer. Lernen beginnen
wybrakowany (o produkcie), wadliwy (np. sprzęt)
This programme is completely obsolete. The personnel records were obsolete and needed updating. Lernen beginnen
Ten program jest zupełnie przestarzały.
The system was flawed and had to be replaced. Lernen beginnen
They come from diverse social backgrounds. Their product range is diverse, they sell everything from holidays to toothbrushes. Lernen beginnen
The chimney sweeper sat astride the ridge of the roof. Lernen beginnen
Instead of employing full time builders and electricians, the construction company hires private contractors. Lernen beginnen
Having to stay late at the office really put her out because she had made plans to go to the ballet. Lernen beginnen
As a result of low investor confidence, the stock market sustained great losses. Lernen beginnen
Please notify all the staff. Any employee who is going to be late must notify their department supervisor. Lernen beginnen
Proszę zawiadomić cały zespół.
The meeting didn’t encompass anything new; it was a reiteration of last month’s discussion. Lernen beginnen
I've saved your butt so many times, and yet you've shown no gratitude whatsoever. I wish to express my gratitude to Ms Smith for her generous help, care and support. Lernen beginnen
Ratowałem twój tyłek już tyle razy, a i tak nie okazałeś żadnej wdzięczności.