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Employees should be empowered by their bosses to achieve their goals. Lernen beginnen
umożliwiać, zainspirować, dać siłę do działania
The downside of Lily's new job was the low salary. The downside of being a high-flying executive is that there is little time for friends and family. Lernen beginnen
Minusem nowej pracy Lily była niska pensja.
I’m not surprised he got the job, he oozes with confidence. Lernen beginnen
emanować, roztaczać (wokół siebie)
The new recruits were given a tour of the building on their first day at work. Lernen beginnen
A concert was organised in order to boost the morale of the soldiers. Lernen beginnen
The baby was wearing blue dungarees and sandals. Lernen beginnen
She wore her red flip-flops to walk to the beach. Lernen beginnen
The school uniform consists of black trousers, a white shirt and a red tie and a blazer. Lernen beginnen
There are many misconceptions about genetic testing. Lernen beginnen
Stress-induced illnesses are very common nowadays. Lernen beginnen
wywołany (przez coś), spowodowany
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zachęta, bodziec, pobudka, motywacja, asumpt
The new mayor swore to eradicate the crime. Scientists are trying to discover a cure to eradicate malaria. Lernen beginnen
Nowy burmistrz przysiągł, że pozbędzie się przestępczości.
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wykorzenienie, wyplenienie, zlikwidowanie, pozbycie się
If time travel ever became a reality, the whole course of history could be altered. Lernen beginnen
Students are under a great deal of strain during exam time. Lernen beginnen
Reality shows are higly overrated. I think they’re boring! Lernen beginnen
przereklamowany, przeceniany
Our nation is fragmented on the issue of adopting a new currency. Lernen beginnen
podzielony (np. na części)
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He lolled on the sofa watching TV. Lernen beginnen
rozsiąść się, rozwalać się