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every cloud has a silver lining Every bad situation has some good aspect to it. This proverb is usually said as an encouragement to a person who is overcome by some difficulty and is unable to see any positive way forward. Lernen beginnen
every bad thing has a good side Sunbeam through the black stormy cloud.
nothing ventured, nothing gained If you don't risk anything, you won't gain anything. Lernen beginnen
even if something is unlikely to succeed, it is worth trying it I don't think I really have enough experience to get that job, but nothing ventured, nothing gained!
used to say that if you have failed or been hurt once, you will be more careful next time used to say that people will not do something again if it has been a bad experience Lernen beginnen
when someone or something hurts, scares or upsets you, you then tend to avoid that person or thing After I failed my driving test for the first time, I didn't want to take it again - once bitten, twice shy!
what goes around comes around used to say that if someone treats other people badly he or she will eventually be treated badly by someone else You should not mistreat them. What goes around comes around. Lernen beginnen
what you do to other people will also happen to you You should always treat people with respect - what goes around comes around
when in Rome, do as the Romans do It is polite, and possibly also advantageous, to abide by the customs of a society when one is a visitor. Lernen beginnen
when you are in a different place, behave like the people there If everyone in the office wears casual clothes, remember that when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
relating to drama or the performance or study of drama. "the dramatic arts". (of an event or circumstance) sudden and striking. "a dramatic increase in recorded crime" Lernen beginnen
Her new hairstyle: a dramatic change from what it was before.
marked by or causing hilarity: extremely funny That post was hilarious! I'll comment "LOL" so they know I laughed. Lernen beginnen
I laughed all night. It was a hilarious comedy show.
To be inspired is great. to inspire is incredible. beyond belief or understanding; unbelievable. marvellous; amazing Lernen beginnen
extremely good, large, or great She moved with incredible speed.
Your journey: "Public speaking? No way" Struggling through A competent speaker Crowd pleaser Memorable Influential Inspiring Lernen beginnen
encouraging and making you want to do something A good teacher must be inspiring to their students.
Of extreme force, degree, or strength. Lernen beginnen
Students are under intense pressure to succeed.
Producing strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy. ‘an unforgettable and moving book’ Lernen beginnen
making you feel strong emotions, especially sadness or sympathy The drama was so well written, it was a deeply moving experience.
Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. ‘a poignant reminder of the passing of time’ His shopping list is so poignant. His laundry list is so revealing. Lernen beginnen
making you have strong feelings of sadness or sympathy There was a poignant scene near the end of the film.
Worthy of attention; striking. ‘a remarkable coincidence’ Lernen beginnen
The exam results were such a remarkable achievement for him.
having the power to affect the feelings or sympathies. Two Puppies Hugging Each Other, What a Touching Scene a touching movie about two lost animals who try to find their way home Lernen beginnen
making you feel sad, sympathetic, or grateful She cried when she heard the touching story.
Raise a child: My parents brought me up strictly Lernen beginnen
to look after and influence a child until he or she is grown up She was brought up by her grandparents.
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to stop going to university or school before you have completed your studies, or to stop doing an activity before you finish it He had dropped out of college.
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if time goes by, it passes Two weeks went by before Tony called.
Shit Happens But Life must go on Lernen beginnen
The meeting went on longer than expected.
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to gradually change from being a child to being an adult What do you want to be when you grow up?
“Look up to” means “to admire and respect someone”. Lernen beginnen
to admire and respect someone He looks up to his older brother.
“Eternity is the now that does not pass away.” Lernen beginnen
to die – use this when you want to avoid saying the word ‘die’ She passed away in her sleep.
I picked up a few words of French while I was in France. Lernen beginnen
to learn something by listening to or watching other people
She left the company to set up her own business. Lernen beginnen
to start a company or organization
I'd like to settle down, get married and live in the countryside. Lernen beginnen
to start living a quiet and calm life in one place, especially when you get married
I don't like her, or what she stands for. Lernen beginnen
to support an idea, principle, etc
Don't take on too much work. You'll be exhausted. Lernen beginnen
to agree to do some work or be responsible for something
Milo took up painting for a while but soon lost interest. Lernen beginnen
to become interested in a new activity and to spend time doing it
He turned up late and missed the starter. Lernen beginnen
I read a very interesting online article about street crime in Europe. Lernen beginnen
a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine or online
Do you know any autobiographies of American film stars I could read? Lernen beginnen
a book that someone writes about their own life
Boswell’s biography of Dr. Johnson is a really good read. Lernen beginnen
a book about a person’s life
His film is the latest Hollywood blockbuster. Lernen beginnen
a film or book that is very exciting and successful.
She writes a blog about beauty and fashion. Lernen beginnen
a web page containing information or opinions from a particular person or about a particular subject, to which new information is added regularly
I love looking at the photos in gossip magazines. Lernen beginnen
a large thin book with a paper cover, which is sold every week or every month and contains information about famous people's private lives
He wrote some great music, but the lyrics weren’t that good. Lernen beginnen
Have you ever read a manga? Lernen beginnen
Japanese comic books. The pictures in the stories usually go from right to left in the same way as Japanese writing, and the characters often have very large eyes.
Have you seen the computer manual? I can't work out how to set it up. Lernen beginnen
a book that tells you how to do something, especially how to use a machine
Have you ever read one of Jane Austin's novels? Lernen beginnen
a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
Our school went online this year. Lernen beginnen
connected to or using a computer or network of computers
Shelley’s poetry is very descriptive. Lernen beginnen
poems in general, or the art of writing poems
It's sometimes hard to keep up with all the social media updates. Lernen beginnen
uploading new information, opinions, images, videos etc using the Internet, especially
Jamie posts tweets about political events in his town. Lernen beginnen
a short message sent using the social networking service Twitter
I like discussing political issues and the news on website forums. Lernen beginnen
a website where people have a chance to publicly discuss an important subject
If I haven't heard of a famous historical person, I normally look them up on Wikipedia. Lernen beginnen
an encyclopedia on the Internet which is free to use and whose articles are written by volunteers. The articles are available in many languages and most can be edited by anyone. Unlike paper encyclopedias, the articles in Wikipedia are constantly updated. Sometimes the encyclopedia is criticized for being biased or inaccurate.
The baby is just learning to crawl. Lernen beginnen
to move on your hands and knees
She sat gazing out of the window. Lernen beginnen
to look at someone or something for a long time
All assignments must be given in to your teacher by Friday. Lernen beginnen
to give a piece of work or something you have written to someone in authority
Where's my coat? I think I hung it up here. Lernen beginnen
to put something in a position so that the top part is fixed or supported, and the bottom part is free to move and does not touch the ground
I look up all new words using my online dictionary. Lernen beginnen
to search for something online or in a book
It puts me off reading when you watch me. Lernen beginnen
to make it difficult for someone to pay attention to what they are doing by talking, making a noise, moving etc
I'm busy at the moment. Can I ring you back? Lernen beginnen
to telephone someone later
Phil sighed heavily and shook his head. Lernen beginnen
to take a deep breath and breathe out slowly and loudly because you are annoyed or unhappy
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I'm not going to turn down an invitation to New York Lernen beginnen
to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
I'll wake you up when it's time to leave. Lernen beginnen
to stop sleeping, or to make someone stop sleeping
We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city. Lernen beginnen
to walk slowly across or around an area, usually without a clear direction or purpose
He leaned over to whisper something to her Lernen beginnen
to say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your voice
He looked at his watch and yawned. Lernen beginnen
to open your mouth wide and breathe deeply because you are tired or bore