Execute statements
The man's statement to the pretty girl that he was a millionaire was all eye-wash.
His untimely statement has not only let the cat out of the bag but also upset the apple cart for the peace move.
After the summit, President Mitterand said that he dissociated himself from the statement.
That would be twenty-seven words instead of four, and while the bare message of the longer statement would be understood, the persuasive force would be lost.
Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.
If the statement is true, then we will have to accept the conclusion.
Her futuristic vision helped shape the company's mission statement.
Language is unique in that any statement must start out as the creation of an individual mind.
This ruling eventually made it illegal for celebrities to make false statements of fact in advertisements.
Which of the following statements best decribes one of the key principles of software testing?
An employee files a statement when he wants to be employed.
Our recent financial statement shows that we are doing quite well
If you want to check all your financial operations, please download your statement.
The President made a statement about the economic situation of his country. The company rep made a statement about the new policy.
Englisch Wort "oświadczenie"(statement) tritt in Sätzen auf:
pierwsza lekcja - inne słówka ciało człowieka1. Cześć! - nowi ludzie, kilka słów o sobie, jak z...random words i didn’t know before #10A field guide to the british - introductionKamilia lekcja 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 172.
Englisch Wort "oświadczenie"(pronouncement) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Z prac domowychNews Vocabulary p.I3.
A blanket of silence fell over everyone when they heard the disappointing announcement.
They said they'd make the boarding announcement 20 minutes before takeoff.
the film announcement
Guess what the managing director started off the meeting by saying. The first thing out of his mouth was an announcement of some major restructuring.
The announcement exaggerated the number of casualties.
The engagement is often followed by a public announcement of marriage.
He looked blank when he heard the announcement of his promotion.
The information was given away to the newspaper prior to the announcement.
The announcement caused considerable confusion on the Stock Exchange.
Could you please tell us if the Commission will be making an announcement soon?
There was an announcement at lunchtime reminding students to bring their excursion money the following day.
21 days from the date of announcement in the Public Procurement Bulletin.
The Prime Minister made an unexpected announcement this morning. Announcements of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers.
No sooner had he come home than he proudly made an earth-shattering announcement.
Englisch Wort "oświadczenie"(announcement) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Presidential Debate Obama/Romneyangielski część 1fuj angielski4. declaration
She made him a declaration of love.
A customs declaration is required.
Please fill out the Customs Declaration Form.
You are obliged to complete a tax declaration
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
You can say that the circumstances were thus in the period leading up to the declaration of war.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Englisch Wort "oświadczenie"(declaration) tritt in Sätzen auf:
państwo i społeczeństwo angielskipskit - medycyna i prawo5. representation
This painting is a representation of a storm at sea.
Nowadays school is considered a representation of the world.
Englisch Wort "oświadczenie"(representation) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Berez, umowy, do tLekcja 29.01Legal English6. affidavit
In an affidavit presented at the hearing, the auditor calculated that Hammersmith could lose £74m
to make/swear an affidavit
Englisch Wort "oświadczenie"(affidavit) tritt in Sätzen auf:
life is strange słówkaSłówka III rok, część 1