das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

przebić się Englisch:

1. get through get through

This epidemic is awful, but I'm sure we'll get through it somehow.
Just leave everybody alone, and help us get through today.
I couldn't get through.
We will never get through this vocabulary
Will Phoebe get through writing a book about Friends?
He had a terrible headache but managed to get through the day.
You have to get through your revision tonight.
It is hard to get through to the department director.
How can old people get through the cold winters.
I've got to get through this chapter before i go out.
reach sb by telephone/It's hard to get through to Janet
I hope I get through this aerobics class.
And if he can get through to the number you want, what might he say? If he can't get through to the number you want, he might say: " I'm sorry I can't get through. Would you like to hold on or would you prefer to ring back.
I've tried persuasion and punishment, but I just don't seem to be able to get through to him
get through our sadness

Englisch Wort "przebić się"(get through) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Słówka 3 część trzecia, czasowniki
Vision 3 Unit 7 Topic 7.1

2. blast through blast through

Englisch Wort "przebić się"(blast through) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Ready Player One P. 04

3. to shear through

4. break into

Somebody break into their home last night and stolen valuable paitings
A thief might rejoice in a sunset because he can use the darkness to break into someone's house

5. catch a cold

I don't want to catch a cold.
Put your coat on or you will catch a cold!

6. tore through

7. put themselves through

8. make my way through

9. put through

They put through the first nuclear arms agreements...

10. rip through

11. fight through

12. erode through

13. crash through

14. bust through