das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

szczerze mówiąc Englisch:

1. frankly speaking

frankly speaking it was the worst film I’ve seen in a long long time
frankly speaking it was the worst film I've ever seen

Englisch Wort "szczerze mówiąc"(frankly speaking) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Subjects of desire WB 12-13
określenia osób i słówka extra
Z zeszytu do ing i to
The mathematics of love
fiszki porozumiewanie się

2. to be honest

to be honest, i think you will lose
to be honest

Englisch Wort "szczerze mówiąc"(to be honest) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Angielski unit 9 International markets - quizlet
new matura success uper intermediate unit 3
Unit 5 - No place like home
wyrażenia z make i do
E Dla Zaawansowanych Zwroty Konwersacyjne B2-C1

3. to be frank

Englisch Wort "szczerze mówiąc"(to be frank) tritt in Sätzen auf:

2019.06.19 pickpocket What's up part 1
English Top 1000 od 500 do 800
Discussing concerns
Archer V-XXVII
Moje nowe słówka

4. frankly

I want to talk frankly with him.
Frankly, I didn't have the confidence to ask Mary to have lunch with me.
To put it frankly, he is a critic rather than a writer.
We talked quite frankly.
She frankly admitted her guilt.
frankly speaking
Sport is frankly mimic warfare.
The mother becomes irritated and frankly, but gently, tells Beth to leave the room.
Four fifths of French were frankly illiterate towards 1685.
You can afford to speak frankly.
I like him all the better because he speaks frankly.
Say frankly what, in your own eyes, is right.
Frankly, no one really stands out.
Saying what you think frankly is not a bad thing.
He told me frankly what he thought about the plan.

Englisch Wort "szczerze mówiąc"(frankly) tritt in Sätzen auf:

"Władaj i gadaj cz. 2" - rozdział 27 - w pracy

5. quite honestly

6. honestly speaking

Englisch Wort "szczerze mówiąc"(honestly speaking) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Lekcja 13 - 13.10.2022 r.
angielsko polski 5
Lesson 21.10.20

7. To be honest with you

Englisch Wort "szczerze mówiąc"(To be honest with you) tritt in Sätzen auf:

2023-11-15 PBX
Speaking Bank

8. to be perfectly honest

Englisch Wort "szczerze mówiąc"(to be perfectly honest) tritt in Sätzen auf:

How do you spend you weekend?

9. in all honesty

in all honesty i had every right to be there

Englisch Wort "szczerze mówiąc"(in all honesty) tritt in Sätzen auf:

C1 Technology around us
Słówka z zadań