das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

ułożyć włosy Englisch:

1. do hair do hair

2. to style the hair to style the hair

3. to shape your hair to shape your hair

Englisch Wort "ułożyć włosy"(to shape your hair) tritt in Sätzen auf:

17th Oct 2016

4. to fix my hair to fix my hair

Englisch Wort "ułożyć włosy"(to fix my hair) tritt in Sätzen auf:

24th Jan 2017

5. make hair make hair

Englisch Wort "ułożyć włosy"(make hair) tritt in Sätzen auf:

życie towarzyskie i rodzinne pl-ang

6. comb comb

I combed my hair before I opened the door.
My hair is very fine so I only need a comb.
Lend me your comb for a minute, will you?
Comb your hair before you go out.
give me that comb this
She's combing her hair
Have you seen my comb?
Can you play on the comb?
She always has a comb in her handbag.
People comb this beach for years and never find anything
Two bald men were fighting over a comb.
Course I can still use the comb.
Hang on; just let me comb my hair a bit.
Can I use your comb?
If you'll just sit still I think I can comb out the knots in your hair.

7. set set

on the set
My TV set is almost 15 years old, but it still has a good picture.
The company's capital expenditure program is set to be 10 billion yen for this year.
As the recession set in, temporary employees were laid off one after another.
Upon arriving home, he immediately set about preparing a meal.
It's fine to set up a web page, just be sure you don't infringe anybody's copyright.
The walkers set out from Boston and reached San Francisco six months later.
Where have you got such a beautiful set of glasses from?
Our company has come a long way since it was set up.
Christopher Columbus demanded that an entire "Columbus Week" be set aside to celebrate his glory, but in the end only got a day, and only in America.
As I was eating lunch, Kichiya came to me and, while she was serving my meal, she was toying happily with her ring set with a gleaming jewel.
The two of you need to take the basket of apples over to your grandfather, the mother said. "You will grab it from one side, and you - from the other. And that's how you'll set out."
Sachiko always said: "You'd better set some money aside in case you get sick."
In May, they set on him in the street, attacking him with fists, kicks and a knife.
Detailed design is the work of drawing up a diagram that is capable of being manufactured from the plan set in the baseline design.