17th Oct 2016

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zapłacić z własnej kieszeni
out-of-pocket (used about money that you have to spend yourself rather than having it paid for you, for example by your employer or insurance company)
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He had no intention of paying for the meal out of his own pocket.
All out-of-pocket expenses will be REIMBURSED BY the company.
BEZ GROSZA - That one mistake left him thousands of pounds out of pocket. / The last time I went out with you, I ended up seriously out of pocket!
londyńskie zoo
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London zoo (no article)
zatłoczony / zapełniony / wypełniony po brzegi
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The article was CRAMMED FULL OF ideas.
ceny, które idą w górę
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soaring prices
zryczałtowana opłata
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flat fee / flat rate
borykać się z...
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to struggle on low incomes
opłaty za parkowanie
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car parking charges
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to face accusations of sexual misconduct
to jest niesamowicie ważne
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it's incredibly important
konserwacja / utrzymanie
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kontrowersje wokół
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controversy surrounding sb
it is disputed whether, how, etc... It is disputed whether the law applies in this case.
to dispute a decision/claim
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to dispute sth
No one is disputing that there is a problem.
These figures have been disputed.
a person who has an official position
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an incumbent
the incumbent president
incumbent (having an official position)
(of people) using weaker people for their own financial or sexual advantage
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wykorzystać kogoś
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to use sb for your advantage
zdystansować się od
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to distance yourself from sb
tym bardziej nie
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much less
He’s too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people.
zapytać o godzinę
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to ask the time
przemawiać do kogoś
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to speak to a room full of people
ujawniać się / wynurzać się
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to surface
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I'm assuming
to guide somebody or a group of people somewhere, making sure they go where you want them to go
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to shepherd
Miss Rogers shepherded the children across the road.
a wildlife enclosure
a piece of land that is surrounded by a fence or wall and is used for a particular purpose
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enclosure (zoo)
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showing in your behaviour that you are anxious and nervous
wstrząśnięty, poruszony, wzburzony
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Calm down! Don't get so agitated.
braki wśród pracowników
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staff shortages
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Mam coś
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I've got...
moda, szał
a fad for physical fitness
Rap music proved to be more than just a PASSING fad.
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craze FOR sth / fad FOR sth
the latest/current fad
the latest fitness craze to sweep the country
rozprzestrzeniać się
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to sweep
the latest craze sweeping America
Rumours OF his resignation swept through the company.
to try to deal with two or more important jobs or activities at the same time so that you can fit all of them into your life
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to juggle sth WITH sth
a book or a film/movie about events that happened before those in a popular book or film/movie
a book, film/movie, play, etc. that continues the story of an earlier one
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a prequel
sequel (a sequel TO the hit movie ‘Madagascar’)
Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel.
Eddie Redmayne
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The Danish Girl / The Theory of Everything / Les Misérables
Alicia Vikander
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The Danish Girl / Ex Machina
wybredny (jedzenie)
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fussy eater
paluszki rybne
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fish fingers
nawyki można wypracować
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habits can be trained
Co o tym myślisz?
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What are your thoughts ON that?
wyluzowany, zrelaksowany
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laid back
having or showing the belief that some races of people are better than others
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to make racist remarks
materiał filmowy (o określonym wydarzeniu)
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footage OF
People see live footage of the war at home on their televisions.
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to clown around
relaxed and confident and not nervous or embarrassed
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at (your) ease
She was at her ease straight away in the new job.
I never feel completely at ease with him.
rozstrzygnąć spór
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to settle a dispute
!!! to settle a dispute/an argument/a matter
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they are predicting
do końca przyszłego roku
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by the end of NEXT YEAR
od... do...
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from food to fuel
a terrible war that could destroy the world
(in the Bible) a battle between good and evil at the end of the world
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Armageddon /ˌɑːməˈɡedn/
zła reklama / zły rozgłos
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bad publicity
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Giacomo Puccini
a British multinational grocery
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podwyżki cen
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price increases
z wolna napływać
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to trickle
NEWS is starting to trickle OUT.
karma dla zwierząt
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animal feed
winter feed for the horses
relacje na żywo
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live broadcasting
składać komuś hołd
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to pay homage TO sb
towar (produkt który jest kupowany i sprzedawany)
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rice, flour and other basic commodities
rozpieścić się
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to indulge yourself WITH sth
I indulged myself with a long hot bath.
co zrobimy teraz...
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what we're GONNA do...
połowa pomarańczy
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half AN orange
wcisnąć przycisk
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to hit the button
liking to drink a lot of alcohol; involving a lot of alcoholic drink
pijacki (np. śmiech) / zakrapiany alkoholem (np. posiłek)
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a boozy lunch
one of my boozy friends
niezależnie od pogody
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no matter what the weather
to have sb on board
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We're really excited to have you on board.
(British English, informal) an amount of tea made at one time
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a brew
miło byłoby wypić filiżankę herbaty
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a cup of tea wouldn't go amiss
A little luck wouldn't go amiss right now!
Mumbai (/mʊmˈbaɪ/; also known as Bombay
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Mumbai (/ mʊmbaɪ /; also known as BombayMumbai (/mʊmˈbaɪ/; also known as Bombay /bombei/
jeść kolację
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to dine
jeść obiad
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to lunch
He lunched with a client at THE Ritz.
Co jest na deser?
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What's for pudding?
I haven't made a pudding today.
the Gulf
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the Persian Gulf, the area of sea between the Arabian peninsula and Iran
letter of receommendation
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I should like to apply for the position of Sales Director.
To apply, send a CV and two letters of recommendation to the four people listed below:...
podzielić się kosztem
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to divide sth between
zaprowadzić dziecko do szkoły
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to walk your children to school
She walked me to the front gate.
łuk (triumfalny)
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marble /ˈmɑːbl/
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nie tylko
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not only was she...
oddać cześć
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to pay tribute / homeage
załapać coś...
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to pick sth up by watching
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she sounds like a wonderful person
niestaranny, niedbały (np. pismo, praca)
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loose and without much shape
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baggy / sloppy
having a pleasant smell
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The air was fragrant WITH scents from the sea and the hills.
zwykły szary garnitur
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plain grey suit
nikogo nie obchodzi moja garderoba
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nobody cares ABOUT my wardrobe
bronić kogoś
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to jump to sb's defence
referring to sex in a rude and offensive way
jurny, lubieżny, sprośny, wulgarny
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lewd /lu:d/
to make lewd comments
Mam na sobie niebieski.
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I'm in blue,
wiadomość / notatka
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to write/send/circulate a memo
an official note from one person to another in the same organization
if information, facts, ideas etc circulate, they become known by many people
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to circulate
Rumours began circulating that the prime minister was seriously ill.
wsiąść / wysiąść z samolotu
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get on / get off the plane
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land AT Gatwick
z przykrością zawiadamiamy
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we regret to inform you that...
niewielki, przelotny deszcz
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krótki okres
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The first SPELL of snow
It was a short spell of my life, I don't want to talk about it.
szybki / natychmiastowy
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Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated.
Prompt action was required as the fire spread.
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punctual / prompt
Please be prompt when attending these meetings.
zawładnąć internetem
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to take over the Internet
podjąć wyzwanie
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to take sth on
rozmowy w szatni
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lockerroom talk
jesteś zbyt surowy dla siebie
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you're too hard on yourself
what motivate us
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imperfections motivate us to push further and further
ocena eksperta / ekspertyza
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zraniony w czasie porodu
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injured at birth
zakupy spożywcze
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food shopping
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to seek asylum /əˈsaɪləm/
to seek/apply for/be granted asylum
is the Islamic form of government representing the political unity and leadership of the Muslim world
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caliphate /ˈkeɪləfeɪt/ or /ˈkælɪfeɪt/
fryzjer męski
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a barbershop AmE / the barber's BrE
ułożyć włosy
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to shape your hair
roszczenie ubezpieczeniowe
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insurance claim
wyrządzić / wyświadczać / wykonywać
to render a service to somebody
render a decision/opinion/judgment etc
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to render
to render sb a service
an obligation to render assistance to those in need
Ona nalegała, żeby on...
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She insisted on his/him wearing a suit.
zapisać w pamięci
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I made a mental note to do sth
notatki z wykładu
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Can I borrow your lecture notes?
metoda kalendarzykowa
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rhythm method
zasadniczo różny
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significantly different
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My daughter feels as soft as a marshmallow, as warm as a hot-water bottle.
to criticize someone very strongly, often in a way that other people find humorous
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to skewer
a piece of jewellery in the shape of a large flat coin worn on a chain around the neck
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a piece of jewellery in the form of a small case that you wear on a chain around your neck and in which you can put a picture, piece of hair, etc.
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craspedia /kra:spidiE/
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dziwny / dziwaczny
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zwierzyć się komuś
It is important to have someone you can confide in. / She used to confide in him whenever she had a problem.
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to confide TO someone/ idiom: to confide IN sb
to tell somebody secrets and personal information because you feel you can trust them
He confided to me that he had applied for another job.
pierwsze koty za płoty
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Don't worry! The first pancake is always spoiled. Just try again.
bez ogródek
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if you say something straight from the shoulder, you are being very honest and direct, even if what you are saying is critical
łudzić się
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stop living in a dream world
nie czuję nóg
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She felt dead on her feet and didn't have the energy to question them further.
I've spent the whole day cleaning the house and I'm dead on my feet.
i po ptakach
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your goose is cooked
ona chodziła na rzęsach z niewyspania
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She was running on fumes
i bądź tu mądry
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go figure
used when you tell someone a fact and you then want to say that the fact is surprising, strange or stupid:
to be very busy and active trying to do something, but not very organized, with the result that you do not succeed
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to run around like a headless chicken
wrodzony / nieodłączny
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Small local shops are intrinsic to the town's character.
to be intrinsic TO sth
nierozpuszczalny (np. w wodzie, w tłuszczu)
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insoluble (e.g. fibre)
used by some people to say ‘sorry’ when they have accidentally made a rude noise, or said or done something wrong
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pardon / pardon me
some say excuse me
żmudny / mozolny
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laborious / tedious
Checking all the information will be slow and laborious.
extremely interested in something you are listening to
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The kids watched and listened spellbound to the performance.
to surprise somebody suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or frightens them
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to startle
I didn't mean to startle you.
brać całkowitą odpowiedzialność
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to take/assume overall responsibility for personnel

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