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język polski - English

w formie pisemnej Englisch:

1. by an instrument in writing

Englisch Wort "w formie pisemnej"(by an instrument in writing) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Berezowski, umowy, b
Berez umowy 1

2. in written

3. in written form

4. in writing

Please, do it in writing.
He offered his services several times to us, every time in writing.
Could you put your complaint in writing?
State of Frauds requires that all contract involving the sale of real property be in writing.

Englisch Wort "w formie pisemnej"(in writing) tritt in Sätzen auf:

podstawowe słownictwo prawnicze

5. written form

6. written

I've written three letters.
I expect you can tell from the quoted text, but this is a book written in a colloquial style.
Dang Me wasn't the first song Roger Miller had written, but it was his first huge hit record.
I have often observed how little young ladies are interested by books of a serious stamp, though written solely for their benefit. It amazes me, I confess; for, certainly, there can be nothing so advantageous to them as instruction.
Actors, artists, musicians, and writers may use many forms including spoken and written words, actions, colors and sounds.
A certain movie was novelized - rather it was a scenario written for a movie that was expanded as a novel and localized to Japanese.
All who have ever written on government are unanimous, that among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist.
There is a written and an unwritten law. The one by which we regulate our constitutions in our cities is the written law; that which arises from customs is the unwritten law.
Why have you written this book on the system of the universe, and have never even mentioned its Creator?
Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway.
Last time I sent out my humble work, the afterword to "left-right", written on the promise that you'd keep it secret from him, this time it's the afterword to that afterword.
Later, it happened that there was some gossip at home, and my mother suspected that she had written something improper; after that she would not have her letters written for her.
It's written abazure (bitch). Surely this must mean a slut?
Dreams flew out of that box when it was opened: dreams of secrets written in disappearing ink and of overwhelming odors.
When you have things you don't understand written on you, what will you do, if you get unexpected results?