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open up to
I finally opened up to my best friend and told her about my problems.
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otworzyć się na
The island is only accessible by boat.
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Dad was engrossed in the paper.
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pochłonięty (czymś)
‘You’ll see,’ he replied with an enigmatic smile.
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A lengthy period of training is required.
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długi, rozwlekły
They started making increasingly reckless investments and eventually lost all their money.
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lekkomyślny, brawurowy
The snow was relentless and covered everything in our front yard.
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nieustępliwy, nieprzerwany
Trying to listen to music while watching the TV and eating dinner caused a sort of sensory overload.
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sensoryczny, zmysłowy
Our restaurant was shortlisted for the ‘Restaurateur of the Year’ award.
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zakwalifikowany do finałowej listy
The book is full of sound advice.
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solidny, rozsądny
be in someone’s best interests
The court decided that it was in the child’s best interests to remain with her grandparents.
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leżeć w czyimś najlepszym interesie
be in two minds
I’m still in two minds about how I’ll vote.
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nie móc się zdecydować
come to a standstill
Abruptly the group ahead of us came to a standstill.
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zatrzymać się, stanąć w miejscu
know full well (that)
You know full well that you’re not supposed to take the car without asking me!
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doskonale wiedzieć (że)
raise someone’s profile
The marketing department created an advertising campaign designed to raise the bank’s profile.
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podnieść czyjąś renomę

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