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Aspirar cansa-me muito.
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to tire
Vacuuming tires me a lot.
Sobe pelas escadas e vira à direita.
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to climb
Climb the stairs and turn right.
O médico disse que devia reduzir o meu colesterol.
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to lower
também: to reduce
The doctor said I should lower my cholesterol.
A polícia apanhou-o em flagrante.
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to catch
The police caught him in the act.
A única coisa que sei cozinhar é arroz.
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to cook
The only thing I can cook is rice.
Eu vou dormir às 10 da noite.
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to sleep
I go to sleep at 10 p.m.
Adivinha quem voltou?
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to guess
Guess who's back?
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"Top 500 verbos em inglês"
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