Al supermercato, in un negozio, al mercato

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We have nothing left to eat at home
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Non abbiamo più niente da mangiare a casa
Grab your bag and let's go shopping
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Prendi la borsa e andiamo a fare la spesa
What do we need?
Czego potrzebujemy?
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Che cosa ci serve?
I Need, we need
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avrei/ avremmo bisogno di
Avere bisogno di
Look, the fridge is empty
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Guarda il frigo è vuoto
Il frigorifero
We have to buy latte
Musimy kupic mleko
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Dobbiamo comprare il late
Dovere- devo, devi, deve, dobbiamo, doveto, devono
I think so
Mysle ze tak
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Penso di sì
I'll take a liter of milk then
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Prendo un litro di latte allora
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Get the eggs too
Wez tez jajka
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Prendi anche le uova
While we're here
Jak juz tu jestesmy
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Già che ci siamo
I'll take the six pack
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Prendo la confezione da sei
So we have eggs for the whole week
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Cosi abbiamo le uova per tutta la settimana
Excuse me, where's the butter?
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Mi scusi, Dov'è il burro?
In the division
W alejce
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Nel reparto numero...
I got it, i found it
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Ho travo
Only the half kilo pack of paste
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Solo la confezione da mezzo chilo di pasta
I'll take this one
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Prendo questa
Also take the sugar because it's finished
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Prendi anche lo zucchero perchè è finito
Wait up
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We also have to buy detergent and soap
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Dobbiamo comprare anche il detersivo e il sapone
Do we have to buy fruit too?
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Dobbiamo comprare anche la frutta?
Yes, but I prefer to go to the greengrocer
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Si ma preferisco andare dal fruttivendolo
I would like two kilos of oranges, nice and sweet, please
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Vorrei due chili di arance, belle dolci, per favore
Of course
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You also want some mandarins
Czy chcecie troche mandarynek
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Volete anche dei mandarini
vuoi, vuole, voresti, vorebbe, voreste
These arrived today from Sicily and are very sweet
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Questi sono arrivati oggi dalla Sicilia e sono dolcissimi
All right
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Va bene
Give me
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Mi dia
Niech mi Pani daje (w sklepie z lada)
How much is it in total?
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Quant' è in tutto?
Do you want anything else?
Czy chce pani cos wiecej
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Desidera altro?
desideri altro?
I would like a pound of raw ham, please
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Vorrei un etto di prosciutto crudo, per favore
I would like four pounds of meat
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Vorrei quatro etti di carne
I would like two and a half ounces of salami
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Vorrei due etti e mezzo di salame
I go shopping by the car
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Vado a fare la spesa con la macchina
The bus
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On foot, walking
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A piedi
Because the supermarket is near my house/far from my house
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Perchè il supermercato è vicino a casa mia/ lontano da casa mia
I usually do the shopping on Monday
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Di solito faccio la spesa il Lunedì
When it happens
Kiedy popadnie
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Quando capita
I usually shop once, twice a week
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Di solito faccio la spesa una volta, due volte alla settimana
I usually do the shopping alone, with my husband
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Di solito faccio la spesa da sola, con mio marito
I always write the shopping list
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Scrivo sempre la lista della spesa
I never write a shopping list
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Non scrivo mai la lista della spesa
But I'll leave it at home
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Ma la lascio a casa
I like pasta, I eat it all the time
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Mi piace la pasta, la mangio sempre/Mi piace il latte lo bevo sempre
I always shop in the same supermarket
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Faccio sempre la spesa nello stesso supermercato
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I like shopping because
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Mi piace fare la spesa perchè
There are many discounts
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Ci sono molti sconti
The fruit and vegetables are fresh
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La frutta e verdura sono fresche
I buy new things
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Compro cose nuove
I don't like shopping because
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Non mi piace fare la spesa perchè
I always spend too much money
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Spendo sempre troppi soldi
I buy useless things
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Compro cose inutili
There are too many people
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Ci sono troppe persone
Shopping bags are heavy
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Le borse della spesa sono pesante
When I go shopping
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Quando faccio la spesa
The cheese
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Il formaggio
Food for cats
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Il mangiare per i gatti
I never buy water or drinks
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Non compro mai l'acqua e le bibite
the oil for frying
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l’olio per friggere
the tomato puree
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la passata di pomodoro
The pasta
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La pasta
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Gli yogurt
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Le patate
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Il burro
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Le mele
Frozen foods
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I surgelati
the kinder egg
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l’ovetto kinder
the vegetables in the jar
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le verdure nel barattolo
the paper towel
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lo scottex
Recznik kuchenny
the wipes
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le salviettine
the food shop
sklep spożywczy
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il prezzo
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pastry shop
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Butcher's shop
sklep mięsny
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women's/men's clothing
odzież damska
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abbigliamento donna/uomo
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la misura
the shoe size
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il numero di scarpe
qual è il numero della tua scarpa
How much is it? How much it does?
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Quanto viene? Quanto fa?
is the price in hectograms?
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il prezzo è in etti?
I take a pack of coffee and a box of chocolates
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Prendo una confezione di caffè e una scatola di cioccolatini
That's enough?
tyle wystarczy?
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Basta cosi?
yes, that's fine
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si a posto così
what size do you wear?
jaki rozmiar Pani nosi?
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che taglia porta?
I usually wear M,. I mean 36
Zwykle noszę M to znaczy 36
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Di solito porto la M cioè la 36
Where can I try this blouse
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Dove posso provare questa camicetta

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