Angielski B1 No problem - zdania

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Frage Antworten
komitet powitalny
Lernen beginnen
welcome committee
Do you want to (potwierdzić) your arrival?
Lernen beginnen
Do you want to confirm your arrival?
this action will have (konsekwencje)
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this action will have consequences
(szczegóły) of this agreement
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details of this agreement
a (środek) to achieve a goal
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a means to achieve a goal
(chętny) to work
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willing to work
she (najwyrazniej) needs help
on najwyraźniej cierpiał
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she obviously needs help
he was obviously in pain
it is (koniecznie) that you be therey
koniecznie musisz tam być
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it is necessary that you be there
it is necessary that you be there
I (podejrzewam) she didn’t want to agree
Lernen beginnen
I suspect she didn't want to agree
no (ślady) remains
without a (ślad) of irony
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no traces remains
without a trace of irony
not much (pozostałości) of the building
let things (pozostawić) as they are
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not much remains of the building
let things remain as they are
he’s (tak naprawdę) a very good driver
yes, it (naprawdę) happened
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he's actually a very good driver
yes, it actually happened
I was (zaniepokojony) to hear that...
Lernen beginnen
I was concerned to hear that...
she (oprowadziła) us around the house
the security guard (odprowadził) me to the exit
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she conducted us around the house
the security guard conducted me to the exit
He looked completely (wykończony) and exhausted
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He looked completely worn-out and exhausted
brak żywności, niedobór
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shortage of food
żądanie odszkodowania
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claim for damages
the moon (wyłonił się) from behind the clouds
wyjść z pokoju
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the moon emerged from behind the clouds
emerge from room
she did it (bez względu)
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she did it irrespective
co się faktycznie stało?
tak, to się naprawdę zdarzyło
Lernen beginnen
what actually happened?
yes, it actually happened
odzystać zdrowie
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regain health
przetrwać bez szwanku
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survive intact
zostać skierowanym do specjalisty do szpitala
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be referred to a specialist in hospital
on powiedział zniecierpliwony to koniec gry
Lernen beginnen
he said impatiently it's game over
On nie odzystał swoich sił
Lernen beginnen
He did not regain his strength
The snow (pozostał) on the ground for a week.
Lernen beginnen
The snow remained on the ground for a week.
The new restaurant is (ogromnie) popular.
Lernen beginnen
The new restaurant is immensely popular.
The truth (ujawniła się) after a long investigation.
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The truth emerged after a long investigation.
I (obraziłem) her by making a joke about her religion
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I offended her by making a joke about her religion
The (stara panna) never married and had no children.
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The spinster never married and had no children.
We are not close friends, but we are (znajomi).
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We are not close friends, but we are acquaintances.
The teacher (ostarżył) the student of cheating.
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The teacher accused the student of cheating.
The light turned red (natychmiast).
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"The light turned red instantly.
The solution to the problem was found (natychmiast).
without any delay or hesitation" or "immediately.
Lernen beginnen
The solution to the problem was found (immediately.
without any delay or hesitation" or "immediately.
we've become good (znajomymi).
Lernen beginnen
we've become good acquaintances.

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