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left and right gastropancreatic fold
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both narrow the vestibule of omental bursa; both project from posterior abdominal wall.
suspensory (infundibulopelvic) ligament contains
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ovarian vessels
mesometrium contains
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uterine artery and vein!
mesosalphinx contains
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anastomoses between uterine and ovarian vessels
mesosalphinx is limited by...
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superior: fallopian tube, inferior: proper ovarian ligament
Mesosalphinx extense as low as
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proper ovarian ligament
Mesosalpinx is separated od mesometrium by
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proper ovarian ligament
Mesometrium extense as high as
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proper ovarian ligament
epioophoron and paraoophoron both refered to
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by mesosalphinx, powyzej ovary
oophoron - inna nazwa
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which structure separated mesosaplhinx from mesometrium?
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proper ovarian ligament
right branch of portal vein
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is shorter than the left one
inferior pancreaticodudodeal arteries start with
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superior mesenetric artery -> first order
before reaching the cisterna chyli, lymph from the urinary bladder pases through
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internal illiac n., common iliac, paraaoritc =lumbar, lumbar trunks
the cardia of stomach is to the
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left median sagittal plane, and adheres to the left crus of diaphragm (it clings to the left crus).
the epigastric area is innervated by
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anterior cutaneous branches of inferior intercostal nerves
umbilical area is innervated by
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inferior intercostal nerve
pubis area is innervated by
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inferior intercostal nerves

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