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konradoleszczuk6 konradoleszczuk6

Die Verwendung von VocApp573Tagen. Ich lerne von VocApp107Tage, einschließlich stetig seit7Tagen. Ich bin der Autor23Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2025-02-27 19:30:13.

Meine Interessen


Meine Vokabelkarteien

1.1 Personal details
1.2 Periods of life
1.3 General appearance
1.4 Clothes
1.5 Personality
1.6 Feelings and Emotions
2.1 Family
2.2 Friends and acquaintances
2.4 Stages of life
2.5 Changes in family
2.6 Everyday activities
2.3 Relations
2.7 Leisure time activities
2.8 Holidays and celebrations
2.9 Conflicts and problems
3.1 Types of houses
3.2 House and its surroundings
3.3 Rooms
3.4 Furniture
3.5 Household chores
3.6 Renting, buying and selling, moving out
3.7 Describing interiors
3.8 Phrases and idioms

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