expressions 12

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dostać skurczu w nodze
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get a cramp in your leg
w pewnym sensie
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as it were
I practically work at home, as it were—the office is within walking distance of my house
w porównaniu z
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in comparison to
być czymś zszokowanym
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be reeling from something
We were reeling from the news that we had won all that money.
pośród całego zamieszania
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in the midst of all the commotion
uderzyć głową w coś
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bang your head on something
Zrób z tym, co chcesz.
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Do with that what you will.
środek do celu/cena jaką musimy ponieść za osiągnięcie czegoś
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a means to an end
Meetings are boring but to get work done, they are a necessary means to an end.
złota myśl, używane sarkastycznie
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a pearl of wisdom
Thank you for those pearls of wisdom.
spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy
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let's face it
w sumie
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come to that
I owe you a fiver, don't I?" "Yes, and come to that, you never paid me back the other money I lent you.
bardziej się postarać
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up your game
wznosić toast za kogoś
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raise a toast to someone
być w ciąży
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be up the duff
u wybrzeży
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off the coast
nie wiem
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couldn't say
być z czymś niezgodnym
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run counter to something
Parents can ask for their children to be excused from the sex education class if it runs counter to the family's religious beliefs
wiedzieć coś na pewno
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know something for a fact
You don't know that for a fact.
co więcej
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what's more
w sumie to
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as a matter of fact

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