Frances I (Grammar Alphabet)

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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
as s
merci, cygne, cigarette, France
Lernen beginnen
c before vowels e, i, y we pronounce as...
as k
cadeau, collègue, escargot, carotte,
Lernen beginnen
c before the rest of vowels (a, o,u) and consonants we pronounce...
as sz
chat, chocolat, chanson
Lernen beginnen
ch we pronounce...
as ż
girafe, rouge, gymnastique
Lernen beginnen
g before vowel e, i, y we pronounce...
as g
garçon, gothique, guitare
Lernen beginnen
g before the rest of the vowels (a, o, u) and consonants we pronounce...
as ń
campagne, magnifique, Pologne
Lernen beginnen
gn we pronounce...
not pronounced
hôtel, hiver, hôpital, cahier
Lernen beginnen
h is silent
as ż
jambon, jour, jeune
Lernen beginnen
j we pronunce...
as f
philosophie, pharmacie
Lernen beginnen
ph we pronunce...
as k
quatorze, fantastique, banque
Lernen beginnen
qu we pronunce...
as z
maison, phrase, poison
Lernen beginnen
s between the vowels we pronounce
as singular
ville, salle, pomme,
Lernen beginnen
double consonats we pronounce
the end consonants d, s, t, x, z
chaud, fruit, deux, lait
Lernen beginnen
we don’t pronounce usually...
it is not pronunced
copine, tomate, veste, fraise
Lernen beginnen
e at the end of a sentence if it’s con accent
lips to o, saying e
cœur, œuvre, sœur
Lernen beginnen
aby wymowic œ
lips to u, tongue to i
mur, confiture, bus, lune
Lernen beginnen
u is pronunced
as e
grammaire, aimer,
Lernen beginnen
ai is pronunced
as aj
paille, médaille
Lernen beginnen
ail, aille is pronunced
as ę
matin, bien, train, symboles, examen
Lernen beginnen
aim, ain, eim, ein, en, im, in, um, un, ym, yn,
as ą
vent, bon, novembre, onze, grand
Lernen beginnen
am, an, em, en, om, on
as o
eau, automne, beau
Lernen beginnen
au, eau
as ej
pays, crayon, soleil
Lernen beginnen
ay, eil
lips to u, saying e
pneu, heure, bleu
Lernen beginnen
famille, billet,
Lernen beginnen
ill after a vowel
voiture, soir, poisson, royal
Lernen beginnen
oi, oy
bonjour, oublier, couleur
Lernen beginnen
only with e, always pronounced
été, cinéma, allée
Lernen beginnen
aigu (‘)
à, ù, è doesn’t change the pronunciation
frère, cuillère
Lernen beginnen
grave (‘)
â, î, ô, û, doesn’t change
fenêtre, île, diplôme, mûre
Lernen beginnen
ï ë vowels should be pronounced seperately
maïs, Noël
Lernen beginnen
ç pronounced s
leçon, français
Lernen beginnen

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